General Warnİng - fİat tİpo 1.4 aİr fİlter box

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General Warnİng - fİat tİpo 1.4 aİr fİlter box


New member
May 19, 2014
hi i am writing from turkey
I need urgent fiat tipo 1.4 air filter box
I share with you pictures
part of nowhere in Turkey
please help
to reach me
I leave my email address thank you
Connect: [email protected]

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please help me
nowhere in the filter box turkey
1997 Fiat Tipo 1.4 Sx Full
I trust you varesecrazy

Thank you my friend ...
That looks very different to the air filter boxes on my 2 94/95 1.4ie Tipos...

Obviously a later design (MPI like the later Tempras?) but very different to the earlier UK versions.

The early 1.6 Puntos (Sporting, ELX) had the 1.6 Tipo / Tempre engine but with MPI not SPI.
That looks very different to the air filter boxes on my 2 94/95 1.4ie Tipos...

Obviously a later design (MPI like the later Tempras?) but very different to the earlier UK versions.

The early 1.6 Puntos (Sporting, ELX) had the 1.6 Tipo / Tempre engine but with MPI not SPI.

my kind of thinking, (y)
Peter Pick-Up may recognise it's Palio equivalent..??,

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Fiat Tipo 1.4 ie SX air filter box nowhere in turkey
I could not find on the internet too bad the car's performance and fuel has increased
Is there a place that sells in your country, please contact :cry:
Peter Pick-Up and varesecrazy
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fiat tipo 1.4 with full injection air filter box part code 7735695 photos available above please help this filter box turkey could not find you from turkey I am writing here among you to do this piece be able to find are you from turkey this far away are helping me believe you will be the first to thank you very much best regards :worship:
Hi dear friends
I share with you a picture of my car today :)
with you in this forum talk together nice to share something very nice, good thing there are you guys love between you from turkey I joined the car about Waiting for your comments my car fiat tipo 1997 model 1.4 with full injection car I love my alone my car filter box was broken images here, I've shared here in your country, this filter box If you contact me through Do I leave my e-mail address email: [email protected] I love you guys thank you so much friends (y)

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