Vortex Gens...! (This one works...)

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Vortex Gens...! (This one works...)




I've been testing a vortex gen for a month...
& All I can say that this gadget works !!!!!

This thing adds everything as the creator says...

Tried it in my 98' HGT which was at 40.000kms. with a inbox Green filter with Bosch Super4 sparks !

Installed "2" Cyclones (A Vortex Gen brand), before the throttle but after the AFM! & an additional one just before the engine air intake !

We installed them without any special tools but only with a proper screwdriver for the throttle-intake system !

The HGT's AFM(Air flow Meter) has the perfect space (after the sensor) for the Cyclone & while installing we fold the montage sides outside & forced it to the space by turning it clockwise & it's locked when it reached to the sensor wall !

The second one (the main one) after the throttle-on the engine air intake allowed us to install the unit perfectly !

The point of two cyclons is 2x more swirling air flow !
(Some of U can say that the first cyclone before the throttle is useless but it is NOT !)

Believe me, I don't have any relationship with the company (It's located in Korea & I'm in Turkey !)

One of my bodies tried them in his Peugeot 106 GTI (highly modified: replacement cam, piston rings,chipped, K&N open filter, Special eghaust)

This car reached a hp of 144 which was 140 before the montage !

The other test car was a BMW 5.20 (Manual, Modification) it responded but we didn't get it verified on the dyno !

The ones we installed were a copy of Cyclone, made in Turkey. They are definitely true copies of the original unit but not overpriced like the original !

Well, here's the results...

- Unbelievable throttle response on kickdowns
- No hesitating engines
- Quieter engines
- Smoother running, "push me babe" engine !
- The car is sliding under your seat while u shift gears UP !
- Definitely low consumption if you drive calm !!!

Going to get my HGT's output verification on the dyno soon but I can easily tell the diff. as I own this babe for 4 years !!!

I'll help & guide anyone who likes to learn about the vortex gens, especially the Cyclone...

This gadget really works if installed properly & higher cc or revving engines are more responsive for this kind of air intake modification.



PS: I tried to post a pic of Cyclone but I couldn't succeed "Inserting the Object" ????
Sounds interesting, i'd love to see the pictures.
Any chance you could e-mail them to me and i'll post them for all to see.
The Link

Check the site out...


No need to download the korean characters.
The site is English.

Check out the "Guest Book" & my post(#75) and the reply of the creator !



PS: I've mailed the pics to Si. Hope he succeeds to post them.

I've lot's of documentation and pix of several vortex gen models & detailed information on install.

I'll be glad to share a 2 month research with all of the forum members...

Rem: HGT installation slightly differs from the creators recommendation. The ECU needs to be resetted !

Be patient and PLS DO NOT try to install without any guidance ! U'll easily damage the AFM or other sensors which worth $$$...
Re: The Link



Re: Re: The Link

This is from the Cyclone forum and one of the guy using a Citroen installed two units of Cyclone. One after the air filter and the other is after the AFM/before the throttle body. Is this a correct way of installation? Below is his comment on the Cyclone 2 :-

I managed to get my car installed with the Cyclone2. Thanks for your help.

It's a wonderful product. I am using an MPV but now the fuel consumption is like a saloon car!
My car is a Citroen Evasion 1997 model. It's a 7 seater MPV, 16v Fuel injection manual version. I've installed 2 units of Cyclone 2, one after the air filter and one before the intake manifold.

Results: Fuel savings 12 - 15 % (at least) and during highway driving the car delivered an additional 5km/h @ 3000rpm. Engine performance much smoother and I get better pulling power at higher gears.

NOOOooooooo... It's definitely NOT the Correct Installation !

First of all, I'll be glad to see your name on your post !

Everyone on this forum have a name or nick, so they can be identified... & U'r not an exception !

Pls post your name/nick while u'r posting messages...

Well, now;

If we'r talking about the HGT, the correct installation must be the same way as described above...

2 Cyclones before the throttle body will NOT WORK as it should be !

Give your car(bravo I assume...) specs so I can guide U !

Re: Re: Re: The Link

Here we go again...

'swirl' isn't particularly useful in an engine. Laminar airflow allows the maximum volume of air to arrive in the cylinder. However, swirl and tumble can be useful in the actual cylinder, as it causes the fuel to be atomised properly. Tumble is far better than swirl.

Both of these are mainly influenced by the design of the inlet ports (e.g angle and shape). The airflow up to the valve is largely irrelevent, as long as it is plentiful.

So in short, I doubt this product does anything. You may be convinced that there's been an improvement, but this is more likely to be down to your new plugs and air filter, and resetting the ECU.

As for an increase of 4bhp on a 140bhp engine: that's only an increase of 3.5%, and you get 10% variance due to atmospheric conditions. This dyno result proves nothing!

Save your money, or spend it on some decent oil or new plugs!
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Link

Here here Dug, by the time the air has gone through the throttle, sat around in the plenumn and made its way down the intake runners to the valves any swirl will be totally gone. The air in the ports spends 3/4 of its time not moving anyway!

Engine tuners strive to get smooth, airflow in intake systems. This is why the insides of the ports and manifolds are now left rough as the air 'sticks' to smooth shiney surfaces. Port polishing is a thing of the past.

If this cyclone is so good then why don't people like Ricardo put them on F1 engines or Prodrive put them on WRC engines? They don't. Save your money and get a good airfilter instead.
Re: Re: Re: The Link

I'm sorry, how can this device give an extra 5km/h at 3000rpm? Does it change the gear ratios as well?


Guys, I can understand your hesitation, suspicion & all the other stuff...

But this gadget is working, the power gain is not related with the sparks nor the ECU resetting...

I was in your mood before the experience. this is quite normal but if anyone, any single one of you will to try the gadget I know U'll be shocked.

Most of the critics are false... Don't care the Citroen example ! Its not persuasive and the Peugeot 106 GTI tested 2 times on the dyno; the same results reached exactly.

U'r definitely free to believe but, If anyone decides to give a try I'll be glad to help !

I'm not the creator & I'm not having any benefits either; except sharing it with U !

Search the net for Chevy Vortex, Honda VTEC-E & some newer Audi models, Peugeot 106 GTI's original air hose and finally latest Mercedes's air intake manifold shape !

The whole point is not the swirling effect. The swirling air allows the intake manifold to suck more air then it can alone soo, there's always more air in the chamber then the non-modified engine. Because of the light pressure created the engine never hesitates or waits for the need air for combustion...

The sucked air will never be stable or non-moving as someone stated... That's quite impossible !

And yes, the air will still be swirling & moving madly in the chamber !

None of the modified engines have rough air intake walls... Smoother the walls, quicker the air rushes...

Also the sucked swirling air is more dense then the standard one. This means U have more oxygen in the chamber as the perfect combustion needs with the same amount of fuel. That was efficieny. The cause of low consumption.

Well on the other hand, there lies the question why am I trying to persuade U ? U can do what ever U like...


Re: C'on...

Nope, you are wrong. Sorry Boorock but you don't have a clue about what you are saying.

How is swirling air more dense than non-swirling air?

How can the air in the manifold always be moving if the inlet valves are closed most of the time? (ram effect manifolds NEED the air to stop moving to work!)

Why do engine modification specialists (Vizard etc..) tell you not to polish the ports? (and why does a javellin with a rough surface texture fly further than one with a smooth surface? :))

Why don't you send me a few and pay for each car to be dyno tested and we will see. I'll even let my mate at Ricardo have one so he can test it.

Sorry to be a royal pain but people have to realise that putting 50p worth of bent metal in the air intake is not going to do anything.
Re: Re: C'on...

he is merely posting his own experiences of the device.

lets not get nasty.

i personally cant see this gadget working, but maybe it does? Unless you have tried it you cant really know 100%.

That stuff about polished ports being worse? I dont see the logic in that???? why do racing cars have ports polished?

Re: Re: Re: C'on...

They don't. There is always a slight texture to the surface.

Basically the air 'sticks' to a highly polished surface. At high air speeds (as found in an engine) this sticking causes massive turbulent flow slowing all of the air down.

Air -------------->
Surface --------------------------

It gets to the point where the fast air (long arrow) is going so much faster than the air nearer the surface that you get turbulence thoughout the whole flow.

A slightly roughened surface causes only the air directly in contact with it to be turbulent allowing the rest of the air to pass smoothly. ITs almost as if the air at the boundary is acting like ball bearings for the rest of the air. (I know, its hard to belive!!)

Air ---------------->
Surface -----------------------------

If the surface is too rough then you get horrible turbulent airflow and slows the airflow down again.

At low air speeds a very smooth surface is best as you would expect. OK, on a 100bhp car this effect is going to be minute but on something running 200BHP/ltr you could be talking +-10%!

IIRC one of the America's cup boats from a while back had some trick hull with very small ridges on it.. it blitzed the rest of them.
Re: Re: Re: C'on...

Forgot to say.. he might be merely posting his experiences of the device but he also wants you to buy them and make him money ;)

I'm probably just bitter and twisted from spending too many hours with engines in little bits trying to squeeze a few more BHP from them.

Dearest Tom;

Did I ever mentioned anything about robbing your or anybodies money ?

I do NOT have any kind of relationship with this products creator & also I'm not his salesman !

I just wanted to share the experience so that some of U can enjoy your Bravos more...

Well If you don't want to try it, then don't !

I'm not forcing anyone (especially U) to buy the gadget !

Don't be so paranoid...

I still believe & that this product is NOT a HOAX !

Because I'm living it.

U can believe whatever U like with your highly non-scientific explanations...

No hard feelings :)


PS: By the way what version of Bravo R'U driving ?


Dearest Tom;

Did I ever mentioned anything about robbing your or anybodies money ?

I do NOT have any kind of relationship with this products creator & also I'm not his salesman !

I just wanted to share the experience so that some of U can enjoy your Bravos more...

Well If you don't want to try it, then don't !

I'm not forcing anyone (especially U) to buy the gadget !

Don't be so paranoid...

I still believe & that this product is NOT a HOAX !

Because I'm living it.

U can believe whatever U like with your highly non-scientific explanations...

No hard feelings :)


PS: By the way what version of Bravo R'U driving ?


Dearest Tom;

Did I ever mentioned anything about robbing your or anybodies money ?

I do NOT have any kind of relationship with this products creator & also I'm not his salesman !

I just wanted to share the experience so that some of U can enjoy your Bravos more...

Well If you don't want to try it, then don't !

I'm not forcing anyone (especially U) to buy the gadget !

Don't be so paranoid...

I still believe & that this product is NOT a HOAX !

Because I'm living it.

U can believe whatever U like with your highly non-scientific explanations...

No hard feelings :)


PS: By the way what version of Bravo R'U driving ?

Re: Really...?

Boorock, you seem to have convinced yourself that this product works: I'm glad you're happy.

However, I've no idea why you don't think the gains are from the new spark plugs and air filter! Why did you buy a new air filter if you didn't think it would make any difference.

Tom: Perhaps we should go into business selling a mad device that adds 20% power to an engine for a mere 15 quid, or whatever. There seems to be plenty of people who'll buy them...
Re: Re: Really...?

I'm no expert but i am sure a thermodynamisist would find an improvement on paper, i know a few, i will ask them what they think. However i doubt there would be much if any noticible improvement on a road car. I think it's a bit like putting one of those stupid looking fast and furious style spoilers on the back of your mx5, it'll give a real improvement in the asda car park! lol
Re: Really...?

Well I didn't spend 4 years at uni studying this sorta thing for nothing. :)

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