General VIN plate rust

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General VIN plate rust


New member
Jun 18, 2017
Hi All,
Sadly my B failed it’s CT (French equivalent of MOT) due to unable to read the chassis VIN plate on the passenger side floor. I’ve given it a good clean up but there has been some rust that has made 2 numbers a bit touch & go.....the numbers are 2 of the ones nearest the door.

I might be lucky getting it passed this time on the retest but in 2 years time who knows....

Is there anything I can go to prevent further deterioration of the numbers due to rust ?
Is there a service that can attach a new, legal VIN plate ?
Or does that mean it’s gonna be assigned to the scrap yard ?
Thanks in advance and stay safe
Gosh, the French mot seems strict! Don't know if UK testers check this out. Maybe you could new vin plate made and welded over the original. It may be displayed somewhere else under the bonnet? You could clean the original one and lacquer it with clear lacquer.
Nice layer of thick grease over it will keep rust away until next control technique
I don't believe that my MOT tester even knows about the plate on the floor. In the past the one next to the battery on top of the wheel well as been used. I also regularly cover the floor plate with oil.
I also have rust on the vin.
Next week I will go to the local autority for vehicles where they will rewrite the vin on the B pillar.