UN Racism Conference

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UN Racism Conference

Don't really know what the crack is, but i think its more jealousy in the UK at the minute. With all these illegals getting a free ride, etc.
Don't really know what the crack is, but i think its more jealousy in the UK at the minute. With all these illegals getting a free ride, etc.

Immigrants come here because they get fewer chances in their home country. By comparison the UK born 'taker' has had far more opportunities but has instead neglected to take them.

The Daily Mail mindset is a major bugbear of mine. My old local pub landlord was a tragic racist. Full of the bile of "they come here and don't bother learning English" etc.
He's since moved to Spain to open a bar. What do you think the chances are he's learned a single word of Spanish? Hypocrisy rules the ignorant!
There are some people who are poor UK born and bred who live in near poverty, most maybe could of done something along the way to better themselves but for some it can virtually impossible.

I think the vast majority of British people are very tolerant, the government encourages racism by treating people differently. See how much help is there for you when you need it!

I am reasonably well travelled and think the UK is one of the least racists countries on the planet.
Immigrants come here because they get fewer chances in their home country. By comparison the UK born 'taker' has had far more opportunities but has instead neglected to take them.

The Daily Mail mindset is a major bugbear of mine. My old local pub landlord was a tragic racist. Full of the bile of "they come here and don't bother learning English" etc.
He's since moved to Spain to open a bar. What do you think the chances are he's learned a single word of Spanish? Hypocrisy rules the ignorant!


Well said. The majority of immigrants come here to work, because up until the recession the UK offered wages for unfilled jobs way above the immigrant's home countries. Many immigrants were also the ones that took the jobs that lazy English Chavs sponging off the social security system refused to take.

And absolutely, many English racists are the hypocrites who go abroad and show absolutely no respect to the language and culture of the country they're in. Witness the Costa del Sol being full of Brits expecting it to be full of English speaking people and English style shops/ bars.

Racism is simply ignorance and intolerance, whatever the ethincity, and should have no part in a civilised society.
There is always a catalyst for racism. Discrimination is present in all of us to one degree or another, whether it be because of someone's skin colour, gender, sexuality, the football team they support or even some supposed grievance from years ago.

My mother-in-law forgave the Japanese for turning one of her brothers from a 6' tall 14 stone Sergeant drill instructor into a 5'8" 6 stone shambling wreck who died not long after the War aged 35. My Grandmother forgave the Germans for killing one of her brothers who was in Bomb Disposal with a booby-trapped 1 ton aerial land mine. There was nothing left to bury. Yet there are still Scots who genuinely have the best day of the year if England lose at football. (Linwood no more, Bathgate no more) There are Irish who still hate us for the centuries of occupying their country yet the Indians don't bear us the same malice.

Some of us on here can still remember how racial tensions went up a notch or two during the last recession and in the '60s it was fear of job losses ( as well as ignorance) that led to the Dockworkers' unions teaming up with Enoch Powell (Rivers of blood) to protest against immigration.

I've lost count of the number of people, who, after spending time with the people they thought they hated, actually turned round and said: "Actually they're not as bad as I thought." (Backhanded acceptance that their predjudice wasn't as justified as they thought.)

Homophobes often think that way out of fear. Fear that Gays are predatory sex fiends who are trying to have sex with any and every male they can find and fear they might actually be gay themselves.

My first girlfriend was a Sikh (it was her dad that broke us up) the 2 mates I spend the most time with are a West Indian and a Hindu and I am part French, Italian, Irish, English and now, it would seem, part Jewish.
Go to any multicultural city and no-one talks to each other, bid's each other the time of day etc.

Go to a single race village or area etc and there is an extremely strong sense of community and no-one likes outsiders.

While I dont agree with disgrimination, I do agree with social groups sticking together.

There's a good reason that water seperates us from america. And a good reason for Hadrian's wall.
Your all labour aren't you :yuck:

While I dont agree with disgrimination, I do agree with social groups sticking together.

Did you read an article a while back about a pole done, something like 65% of immigrants want their own "estates."
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I agree that racism should not be tolerated, but what angers a lot of people is how it is always white people being racist towards others- it is never for example black people being racist towards white people when it is the same both ways.

There seems to be different laws for different cultures/ races in this country.

I once went to Tobago and within 2 hours of been on the Island, i had been called a White prick / white trash / ****ing snowman 3 times over.

The system is flawed- there will always be racists and predjudice.
I agree that racism should not be tolerated, but what angers a lot of people is how it is always white people being racist towards others- it is never for example black people being racist towards white people when it is the same both ways.

There seems to be different laws for different cultures/ races in this country.

I once went to Tobago and within 2 hours of been on the Island, i had been called a White prick / white trash / ****ing snowman 3 times over.

The system is flawed- there will always be racists and predjudice.

people never like what is different.

but some of it is insighted by the very people who think they are being persecuted.
I agree that racism should not be tolerated, but what angers a lot of people is how it is always white people being racist towards others- it is never for example black people being racist towards white people when it is the same both ways.

The system is flawed- there will always be racists and predjudice.
Unfortunately we are living in a world that has been ruled, since the late '90s more by political dogma than at any other time in living memory. That dogma is esentially left of centre, middle class and University educated. We had our previous Prime Minister apologising to the world for our part in the slave trade despite the fact it's been going on since Biblical times when the Britons were wearing animal skins and painting their faces blue. Not to mention the fact they thought the world ended at the horizon.

The British were the first country in the world to outlaw the practice of slave trading in (about) 1805 when we were governed by the Whigs (Liberals). Because of Political Correctness we have a school of thought that "It's all our fault." As a continuation of this line of thinking, if the whites are the baddies, all the people we've oppressed over the centuries must be the goodies and are therefore incapable of wrongdoing. As a consequence, when Radical Islamic preachers exhorted the faithful to kill "The Unbelievers", they were ignored. This was because they were incapable of wrongdoing and if arrested that would imply they actually were capable of doing something wrong and therefore the entire political correctness philosophy would fall at the first hurdle.

If you look in the right places you will find plenty of quotes from Muslim religious leaders from around the world who say that....."A Muslim man may marry a non-Muslim woman but a non-Muslim man may not marry a Muslim woman unless he converts to Islam. To do so simply requires 2 witnesses. However, if he turns his back on Islam he is an Apostate and should be killed."
That was a "loose" quote, if there is such a thing, by Sheikh Mohammed-al-Tawil of Fez Morocco.

There was an article in The Sunday Times a few years ago about this very subject which I kept, but of course, now can't find. Typical.