Technical Tow bar help

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Technical Tow bar help


New member
Jan 5, 2009

I have won a tow bar on ebay for my 2000 multi :D

I picked it up today, but the electrics are incomplete as they have been cut off about a foot from the socket on the towbar.

SO, I need to get some new electrics for it.
There seem to be a couple of options, one is a standard singel 12n electrical kit which costs about 7 pound, or a single 12n kit with multiplex bypass interface relay for about 27 pound.

The towbar will only be used for towing a trailer less than 500kg, but I do not know which electrics to get.

I am also missing the bolts that fix the bar to the car, although I do have the 6 spacers.

Where can I get the correct bolts from?

It is a witter towbar, I have downloaded the fitting instructions ;)

Thanks in advance for any help :D
I recently fitted one and I was advised that I should use a multiplex bypass relay to avoid problems with the bulb failure warning system on the car.

I fitted a towbar to my multi, last year. I used a standard 12N wiring kit with audible warning system, the total cost was about £7.00. This should work fine as long as you don't have a bulb failure system (my car is the same year and doesn't have one fitted).

The only thing you have to be careful with is if you are using the blue crimp connectors, make sure thay have cut through the insulation and are making a connection - as the wires on the multi are so thin they don't always make a contact (if this happens cut away some insulation using a sharp knife, and then put the connector over the bare section).

I have used the towbar very regularly since fitting and have not had any problems with the electrics.

One thing to mention is I tend to steer clear of secondhand towbars due to not always getting the right bolts or spacers. Did the large mounting plates that go inside the boot floor come with the towbar, as these are essential for fitment to give strength, and also for showing where to drill the holes?

As long as you have these plates, the bolts should be easy to obtain from most hardware stores (I use a local agricultural engineering supplies company). You will need to use high tensile bolts. The bolts will be the same diameter as on the mounting plates (some are thicker than others). Lengthwise, you will probably need to drill the holes, then measure the length needed, as some go through box sections(and spacers) but others just go through the single thickness of the boot floor.

Hope that helps.

Regards, Tim.

Have just checked on the witter fitting instructions and it has the bolt dimensions on there, the best bet would be to print it off , and then take it along to a local engineering company or a 'fittings' supplier, and they will be able to supply the right bolts.

Caution, I'm not a expert but I was advised that I needed a multiplex relay as the multipla is 2000 onwards.

I was told although the lights will work you could do a long trip and then bugger your engine management system up, ££££££.

I got a multiplex relay off ebay for around £20 quid and it was easy to fit apart from running a live through to the battery.

All the relay does is supplies the trailer lights with its own power supply so not to affect the ones in the Multipla.

And also have you seen the size of the wiring in the Multipla's lights, iv'e seen thicker pubic hairs.....:D
I thought if a tow bar was fitted then it already needed testing to pass an MOT?
Anyway Thanks for all your help, I've booked it in to get the towbar fitted next Wednesday afternoon £80 including electrics and bolts.