Technical Tip: fixing a parcel shelf that won't stay up.

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Technical Tip: fixing a parcel shelf that won't stay up.


New member
Nov 6, 2019
Ok so I finally decided to sort out my annoying parcel shelf that won't stay up (no sniggering).

short solution

a little bit of that sticky back felt, used for putting under furniture does the trick. some amount will need spraping back to get the tension right.

Like so:

Indepth answer:
superglue on the parcel shelf lip doesn't work, neither does hot glue, neither does epoxy and neither does melting plastic onto it, door draft excluder is too thick, and gaffer tape is too thin. I don't think I've ever tried so many solutions to such a simple problem.
The pivot pegs on each end of the shelf should have rubber caps. These grip the clips in the side shelves. I do not know if Fiat sell the rubbers, but its worth a phone call.

A wrap or two of self amalgamating tape around the pivots might help as might a wrap of plastic waterproof tape (as sold for greenhouses).

If one or both side shelf clips are broken all bets are off.
My Panda didn't have the little caps which hold the parcel shelf up when I got it.

I wound black insulating tape round a Bic pen loosely until I had the right thickness. It's a tight to fit on - but worth the effort.

Make sure you wrap the first piece of tape sticky side up, otherwise you won't get it off the pen :eek: