Thankyou Mr Council road planner.

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Thankyou Mr Council road planner.

Jul 8, 2005
on the A684
To increase the amount of light in our street the council have tried to add extra lights down the other side of our street, unfortunatly they found gas pipes and other services in the way so had to add them to our side.

This meant spaceing the lights out and the light which sat outside our bedroom window, has moved to outside next doors window! Wow the bedroom is so much darker now :D

Anyone else putting up with a light outside their house?
Yes :mad: On one side I have a streetlight. On the other side I have the dozy cat-woman.
yes i do! :cry:

the yellow is quite soothing tho :p

what you cant see is the flood lights that are sometimes set off in the garde accross the road, which can light up my whole room, even with curtains drawn :(


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GhostWKD said:
we have a street light in our village... Go us! although its in the other half of the village (which has different name) so technically nope no lights in our village at all :D

i remember living in a village :( was so much better than here, only 1 crime in 12 years i was there and that was some peopel robbed one of the coppers' house for his tools
I have some houses about 50metres away behind our house slightly elevated, they have their security light going off all night! That used to annoy me, then I bough a black out blind and it's always dark when I want it to be :)
bulldog5046 said:
i remember living in a village :( was so much better than here, only 1 crime in 12 years i was there and that was some peopel robbed one of the coppers' house for his tools

but i bet it doesnt cost you as much for a taxi home at end of night :cry: £15 for taxi home from banbury :(
dave said:
no lights in my village, not even in a diffrent bit with another name :)
you not heard of curtains? you can close them an it stops light shining out! or do you like to get naked where everyone can see you?

curtains dont always work! unless you have huge thick dust-collecting ones!
As I said, I just have a nice thin black out blind (dark blue) - no light gets in during the day or night.