Technical switched live and permanent live

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Technical switched live and permanent live

You need to download all 8 parts into the same folder, then point WinRAR at part 1. That will unzip all 8 parts into an image file named "Croma eLEARN.iso"

Use the image file to burn a disc, then install eLEARN from the disc.
yay think i've found it. an with no disc used at all :slayer:

No it should be around 11.5 - 12.5 with the engine off and 13.5+ with it running. You've just found one of the canbus signal wires by the sound of it.
If my memory serves me correctly, the yellow is the permanent and the red is the switched live. It might be the other way around though.
It should be easy enough because they will be thicker than the other wires and are usually by the black (earth) wire.
the only red isnt in the iso( think that's the name the big plug) its in this seperate blue plug and isnt thick.

Edit found it, its pink, :)

ah pin 10 on the brown plug body comp seems to be a switched live, and a red n yellow wire going to biggest plug also seems to be a permanent live.

so is it ok to tap into these or is 1 for air bags or some thing else i shouldn't touch
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