Stilo abarth amp wiring

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Stilo abarth amp wiring

What sixe cabling are you pting through, I had to drill through the plastic grommet type thing that the pedal cables go through. There is a pic around here somewhere but i will take another one for you in the morning and post it up.
4 Gauge will always be better so yeah i will post a pic of where to go through tomo. I have put O gauge through there so should be easy.
I put 2/0 guage through behind the glove box (when I say me, my mate did that while I wired the boot build in ;))
I dont think there is a gromet directly behind the glove box if there is then i would have made the decision not to get to it due to too much crap geting in the way. I did have to take the whole glove compartment (upper and lower) to find the part that i drilled through but you could probably get away with drilling it from the outside and just removing the centre console side panel. That just come off with a couple of hex screws.
Ooops sorry i forgot :bang:


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Its a 1.6 but they should all have that im sure it is where the cables for the pedals go through unless it was different on the phase 1's. There is not a hole there i had to drill it. If in doubt post a few pics up, pics talk a thousand words or whatever the saying is.
Im pretty sure that is the best place in the stilo. I will go and have a check in a bit. The only suggestion that i have is to take out both glove compartments and the side vents for the centre console locate the piece of plastic and drill from the inside. :bang: Then you will see where the wire come out when you poke it through.
Im pretty sure that is the best place in the stilo. I will go and have a check in a bit. The only suggestion that i have is to take out both glove compartments and the side vents for the centre console locate the piece of plastic and drill from the inside. :bang: Then you will see where the wire come out when you poke it through.

thats what i did with 2awg :D