Speaker not fitting

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Speaker not fitting


Nov 30, 2005
Hi.. just bought some speakers. 6.5"..
When i fitted them in my car. the holes on the door panel are like 0.5cm too big . any ideas on what i can do??
yea.. well 4 on the speaker and 3 holes in the door.. BUTTT .. the door ones are about 0.5cm bigger
got no pics.. will put some up tommorow
cinq was right.. 17cm in door. speakers are 16.5cm
is there any wires behind the speaker slot in the door, i dont want to drill into them
the velcro holdin my sub doesnt move a inch.. if i pik the sub up.. the whole carpet comes up with it. STRONG!
Wouldn't suggest using velcro dude lol. The plastic is pretty soft so you could just make a hole (using the speaker itself as a template, screw one screw in and push it back while you do it) with a bradawl and you're sorted. Thats what I did, just be careful not to slip, and I would suggest getting someone else to hold the speaker in place so you can use one hand to push and the other to hold the bradawl steady (y)
heat a metal kebab stik, and melt away plastic to make small holes