Hi All
Just a couple of quick questions - I Hope someone can Help?
I Bought a 62 Plate Fiat Fiorino 1.3 Multijet And Although It Went Through the MOT - I Found the Gear Linkage was always slipping out when Trying to get into First Gear At Traffic Lights Etc..
I have replaced the Gear Linkages today But ran out of Time To Connect them up to the gear Box.
My First Question Is - As these have adjusters on the ends Is it Better to have the adjusters at the top Of The Thread and adjust to tighten them Or Have them at the bottom of the thread and then Slacken them off If Needed?
(If They are Too Tight Will They Stretch & Snap)
Second Question - I Did Notice the gear stick Is a bit Sloppy And I struggled to find 5th gear - Was this due to the Linkages As when it is in 5th It stays in Gear but the Gear stick drop back down into almost the neutral position - Could that be a bush on the Gear Stick Mechanism Or Play in the Gearbox? It's only done 60,000 Miles - It's Almost like it needs a metal plate to keep the gear stick in the correct position!
Thanks for any help in advance as I Don't want to get this wrong - I Used my redundancy money to buy It
Just a couple of quick questions - I Hope someone can Help?
I Bought a 62 Plate Fiat Fiorino 1.3 Multijet And Although It Went Through the MOT - I Found the Gear Linkage was always slipping out when Trying to get into First Gear At Traffic Lights Etc..
I have replaced the Gear Linkages today But ran out of Time To Connect them up to the gear Box.
My First Question Is - As these have adjusters on the ends Is it Better to have the adjusters at the top Of The Thread and adjust to tighten them Or Have them at the bottom of the thread and then Slacken them off If Needed?
(If They are Too Tight Will They Stretch & Snap)
Second Question - I Did Notice the gear stick Is a bit Sloppy And I struggled to find 5th gear - Was this due to the Linkages As when it is in 5th It stays in Gear but the Gear stick drop back down into almost the neutral position - Could that be a bush on the Gear Stick Mechanism Or Play in the Gearbox? It's only done 60,000 Miles - It's Almost like it needs a metal plate to keep the gear stick in the correct position!
Thanks for any help in advance as I Don't want to get this wrong - I Used my redundancy money to buy It