General seciento wont start

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General seciento wont start


New member
Apr 7, 2009
i have a 2000 sceiento 899 which wont start
we been having trouble for a couple of weeks with it cutting out and not starting but went out in it a weekend all day no problems came to start it up monday it wouldnt start it turns over freeley good spark from plugs you can here the car trying to start but its like it miss fireing or timing out ive changed coil packs but still dose the same any body with any ideas before i scrap it unless some 1 lives local to me im in leeds who could come and have a look thx
you have spark, and sounds like you do have fuel

gut says TDC sensor is messed up, so it is sparking and putting in fuel at the wrong time. easy to change and cost about £20 new
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thx ill change that that at weekend and ill let you know wot happens thx