General Rings

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General Rings


Jul 18, 2019
Hi Stilo owners. Hope all is well.

While under lockdown I've decided to write up a list of 'what to replace' when I go back to work. Due to the worldwide pandemic,work has been put on hold and I'm of the unfortunate lot to not have a pay cheque during this time.

Anyway,O2 sensor downstream is defs on the list because I have a p0141 code and a sluggish acceleration and poor engine performance. Also drop in fuel economy.

While driving today I saw on acceleration that my car has a very light but noticeable smoke when putting my foot down. It's clear or grey-ish in colour. Even when she idles she doesn't smoke but if I rev her then she will kick out some smoke with a heavy fuel smell. It won't smoke continously,only on increase in revs then almost always clears out. Both o2 sensors were covered fully in thick carbon build up upon inspection.
I added piston rings to the list. Am I right in doing so because she does love oil which I read is a trait of the stilos too. Am I looking too far or are the two adding to the poor performance?
She has 230 000 km on clock.
Poor performance
Hesitant acceleration
Feels like shes choking when you rev her. As if she wants to move as the Stilos do but something holding her back. Like she has a heavy ass trailer behind her.
During lockdown I hardly drive her. When I do I'm gentle with her however now and then when I'm out I let her open. Some days she performs really well despite her o2 sensor fault and slow acceleration but some days the problem is more persistent. Hence cannot wait for work hahaha

Would love some advice so i know what to do as soon as work starts again.

Hi NebulaStilo,

Got the same issues (Again!).. Iv'e got the exact same symptoms as you have. Though I recently went for a Dyno run, and my car put out 190!! I'm stumped too, It feels so slow, especially on the highway.

Hope you can find something! I don't know what to think anymore haha!

Some smoke under load may be the valve guide oil seals. They're probably more fragile than the rings, since they're neoprene and maybe 15 years old now.

If it smokes on first startup of the day, or when you're accelerating after hot idling/in slow traffic then that would point more at the seals than the rings.

Ralf S.
Some smoke under load may be the valve guide oil seals. They're probably more fragile than the rings, since they're neoprene and maybe 15 years old now.

If it smokes on first startup of the day, or when you're accelerating after hot idling/in slow traffic then that would point more at the seals than the rings.

Ralf S.

Hi Ralf,

This isn't even my post haha, what AM I doing?! But I think me and Nebula mean there is only light smoke under hard acceleration and/or high revving. Nothing much, even wagen standing still, it's not like oil cloud you see on other oil consuming cars. Not on startup, and it doesn't even smell like oil haha. Don't know if this is the case of Nebula, but the symptoms are so similair!

Today for instance (Nebula could check that too), If I press the throttle 'while hooked on MES' to like 15 percent, the car will rev till 1100rpm, and then return to 694 while holding the throttle! Is this normal haha?

Sorry, as in this is not nu thread haha!

Hi Ralf,

This isn't even my post haha, what AM I doing?! But I think me and Nebula mean there is only light smoke under hard acceleration and/or high revving. Nothing much, even wagen standing still, it's not like oil cloud you see on other oil consuming cars. Not on startup, and it doesn't even smell like oil haha. Don't know if this is the case of Nebula, but the symptoms are so similair!

Today for instance (Nebula could check that too), If I press the throttle 'while hooked on MES' to like 15 percent, the car will rev till 1100rpm, and then return to 694 while holding the throttle! Is this normal haha?

Sorry, as in this is not nu thread haha!


So yes it is exactly the same as mine. It will go to 1100 then drop and go back up to 1100 but then have a unsteady rev. Even at a certain rpm it will drop abit and smoothen out then back down and smooth for a while and so on. This manifests in acceleration too.

Yes only on hard acceleration and no smoke on startup or hot startup. And doesn't smell of oil. More fuel. Dry exhaust,no oil in exhaust and carbon soaked oxygen sensors. See my short term fuel trim and O2 readings here.


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