General Revs drop on tick over then cuts out

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General Revs drop on tick over then cuts out


New member
May 9, 2010
Hi, I need help...........My 16v 1.6 marea estate revs drop when ticking over until cutting out,As well as this when i come to a junction they drop and cuts the engine out,Not good when you have a family of 5.Is this a common problem with these??How can i sort it?
I have since been told over the phone it sounds like a vacuum problem but i am still none the wiser
Fuel guage is probably just a bad connection. The instruments are quite bad for that.
I aint got a clue what the problem might be I had a similar problem when my maf was faulty but the engine light came on for that.
Where is the main location for the bad connections to the fuel gauge? Is it under the boot carpet and behind dash?