General Replacing sunroofs

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General Replacing sunroofs

Panda Pete

of the 4x4 variety
Feb 14, 2010
Newbury, Berks
The sunroofs in the Panda are getting a little tatty and could do with replacing. Has anyone managed to replace both the sunroofs?! Did you used the proper 'kit' or just cut out your own vinyl? At the moment I was thinking of keeping the cross supports and replacing the brittle and peeling vinyl with drybag material... Anyone thought of any flaws in my plan so far?! ;)
IIRC, Kev got a coachbuilder/upholsterer to do the sunroofs on Purple Haze and Bianca. They were redone in Mohair and they look fantastic :yum: :yum:

I wouldn't underestimate the skills necessary to do a job like this. Unless you want a noisy, leaky roof, it's probably best left to professionals. I'm sure Kev will share the details of who did the work for him, it's on the wish list for our car when time permits.


i repair/refixed the sunroofs on my 1000s,drilled the heads off, used a nail punch to knock the rivet in, got a box of the rivets (50) for £3.00 from a trade place, used a concertina rivet gun....all done :)
Hi...yep it was half the price to have done in mohair any colour you like...about £200 fully fitted...Fiat is twice the price and supply only..(with frames though)

Only thing you have to check is the condition of the frames...they are prone to rust in the corners of the rear one..this you cant see until you tear the old covering off.

As for doing the job the firm we used rang me on one of our pandas saying they were not happy with the fit and that they were going to do it again...not as easy to get perfect as you think.

Check out the pic's on my car section under my avitar..(Its the Purple one)

Hope this helps....Kev