Technical rear wiper stop working

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Technical rear wiper stop working

yea its definitely in the boot,just had the wiper moving by just by moving the tailgate to a certain angle then it would stop.
just wondering if i should repair this myself or get fiat to do it.
That largely depends on: (i) how good you are at electrical stuff; (ii) how old your car is; and (iii) how good Fiat's customer service/warranty is in Germany.
I agree, but Fiat may see it differently. As I said, it will come down to how willing they are to stand behind their product. In the UK, I think you would have a very slim chance of success.

The good news is that people who have gone to an independent specialist auto-electrician have got it fixed for less than £100 I recall.
It's probably about 20 cables and will be quite fiddly. £100 for getting someone in to sort that out seems fair to me, although of course if you have the skills to do it yourself then that's great.