Technical Rear brake cylinder replacement?

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Technical Rear brake cylinder replacement?


Feb 14, 2012
Hi all
My 2004 170k Multi has just failed MOT on rear brakes as the cylinder is leaking (only time I have ever had a "dangerous" warning on and MOT- made driving back home fun!)

Anyway I am obviously going to put a new one on- is bleeding it going to be hard? I have an Easibleed kit but don't know if I have right adaptor?

Any opinions? Weirdly I am delighted that this was all it failed on- thought list was going to be twice as long actually!
An easy replacement job as long as the fixing bolts aren't rusted in too badly. Same applies to the brake line fixing. Give them a few drops of penetrating oil the day before (mind you don't get any on the friction surfaces of the brakes).

Bleeding the rears is easy if you've got someone on hand to press the brake pedal for you. If you've got the eazibleed cap to fit, it's even easier - none of the grief you can get with the clutch hydraulics, for example. While it's all aprt, take the opportunity to check the condition of the spring-steel ratchet clip on the self adjuster as they have a nasty habit of getting rusty and snapping.
Thanks, hmmm yes was planning on checking out self adjuster too. Is leaking likely to have contaminated brake shoes?
There aren't any brake hoses near the rear hubs; closest ones are where the brake lines make the jump from subframe to chassis and they're well out of the way.
Job done- apart from getting wheel and drum off (both stuck!) job was easy!

Also, weirdly, used my old Easibleed kit as the master cylinder cap is same size as the one on my classic Mini!