Dear all,
In Portugal this year we will have a race competition with the Punto 1.2 16V mk1 (1993-1999). The competition rules is very restricted, doesn’t allow many changes, but nevertheless we can do some things. For instant we take all weight to have the car full equip (roll bar, seat, plexiglass without, etc) with 830 kg. For example I’m very tempting to takeoff the assistance drivingwheel, the electrical engine cooling system, etc. What you think?
What I really like to received from the forum members is some tips and discussion to improve the handling, better braking, less weight from the car.
If you can help, please do,
In Portugal this year we will have a race competition with the Punto 1.2 16V mk1 (1993-1999). The competition rules is very restricted, doesn’t allow many changes, but nevertheless we can do some things. For instant we take all weight to have the car full equip (roll bar, seat, plexiglass without, etc) with 830 kg. For example I’m very tempting to takeoff the assistance drivingwheel, the electrical engine cooling system, etc. What you think?
What I really like to received from the forum members is some tips and discussion to improve the handling, better braking, less weight from the car.
If you can help, please do,