General Questions about fuel pumps

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General Questions about fuel pumps


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Aug 19, 2008
South Wales
With thanks from Louie, I have been pointed in the right direction with regards to fuel pumps.

Howeer, I'm somewhat confused as to what will work and what won't.

I emailed shop4parts and they said that the part number I need is 46429908.

However, I've looked on an ebay listing for what I think will work, but the part number is not listed.

As such I'm rather confused..

What should I look for to see the cheapest one I can get? Is there a different part number or similar?

Would both of these work?

Thanks in advance.
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I did, thanks :)

I posted a thread in those sections, one was locked and asked people to email me ( ed was not deleted as it was an emergency), the other thread in the last section was deleted within minutes and I recieved a PM, asking me to make a classified advert (I didn't make a wanted advert as I believed that the average user, like me, rarely looks at those, and as it is an emergency,I thought it would be ok.). Doesn't matter anyway. :)
From memory it looked more like the one I linked you to (first one), but I'll PM jools as he probs has it in his shed ;)
YuP, it looks more like the first one [this]

BUT the wiring connectors on the one I have sat here are threaded studs with nuts......
NOT the spade connectors shown on the one above that is on eBay

You can have this one that I got from Louie if needs be
PM me an offer and I'll check out the postage costs
Louie swapped it for some other Uno stuff saying it was a good spare, its just that the filter/sock has a tear in it
But you could easily re-use your existing one of those, as all you need is the pump itself.....

I took it as a spare all the way to Lisbon and back on our Charity Banger Rally and have not used it.
I got the whole sender with pump from Louie as the tank sender top was knackered on my original holed tank and the scrapyard sourced replacement good tank came with no sender
Hi Joolz, thanks for the reply and the offer.

I think I will get a new pump from one of the vendors on eBay - I'd rather get a new one with a waranty that I can get back to them if it gums up.

Only problem is that I still cannot get an answer from the vendor as to which pump it is that I require.
I have found loads of mechanical pumps for the 903cc engine, but I cannot find any that say "this pump will fit your exact engine, and sits in the fuel tank".

I have sent 2 emails to one of the vendors, but haven't received any word from them.

Can it be guaranteed that will fit if it buy it? It says my car in the list, but doesn't say eactly what it is a lit of! :D
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No worries
Can perfectly understand why you want a new pump.

As I said in my earlier post that one looks like it will fit, apart from the electrical connections being spades, when my spare one here has threaded studs.

If it was me I would go to a decent local MotorFactors rather than eBay.

At least if it turns out to be the wrong one supplied you could take it back to the MotorFactor; plus the onus would be on them to supply the correct part in the first place.

On eBay returning the flipping thing could be a nightmare AND you'd probably just get money back not a replacement CoRReCT pump
Thats a good point.
I'll check the motor factors site, and see how much they are there :)

Im still waiting for a reply from the ebay vendor. Its a joke, though I think it because I need the part so urgently from him that is making the waiting for a reply seem unbareable!

edit - have just bought the fuel pump after getting the email that it will fit. They will be sending it straight to the garage.
Will keep you all updated :)
Good news - just received a call saying that the car is ready to be picked up.

I've booked a half day at work tomorrow and will be getting the car in the afternoon. :)

I also think I should have a look at the oil level too as I think it was quite low :(
Back in the hood, *cringe*
all is good,
got home all the way,
all I can say is hooray!

Got to the car in Bristol,
paid for it all without needing a pistol,
got them to top the oil and antifreeze up,
and then... something something something cup?

Thanks goes to those who helped me out,
without you I' still be stuck no doubt,
Im really tired now,
so I'm just going to say that I have the old knackered one that I can take apart and see if I can work out what happened and if I can fix it and end up with a spare fuel pump and now I'm going to stop.
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Both of the RAC men tried whacking it with a screwdriver when they came to see the car :(

Will see what I can do with it :D