Technical Power Steering Intermittant

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Technical Power Steering Intermittant


New member
Apr 23, 2013
Hi Guys, I was wondering if anyone could throw some light on a problem for me?

I live in Australia, and the alternator clutch pulley on my 2006 GP 1.3JTD 90 went, and instead of paying $900 for the part here, I ordered a whole new alternator and pulley from the UK for $200 (Don't get me started on FIAT parts prices in Australia!)

My local garage fitted it, and since then, the power steering will not initially come on.

When you turn the ignition, then the engine on, the power steering does not work, then turning the ignition off then on again, it works fine.

The old alternator worked fine, and the garage even re-fitted the old one and it worked ok.

I not have to turn the ignition on (without starting) then off, then on again just for it to work! very annoying!

The alternator is charging everything ok according to my mech.


Did you order a genuine fiat alternator or did you get a pattern part or a refurbished one?

The GP is very power hungry (due to the Electric pas ) and a bit too clever for its own good regarding voltage monitoring..

before you go skipping the alternator and ordering a new genuine fiat one one last check...

get a set of jumper cables and put one on the negative (-) battery terminal clip the other end onto a shiny unpainted bit of the engine or Gear box... and another onto the chassis of the car

see about 3/4 of the way down the page for an idea of where to clip them

But i think you will find its the new alternator Not preforming exactly as the car expects it to
Well they put the old alternator on and it worked fine......must have been a dodgy one! typical! Looks like i'm after a new one! They tried putting the new pulley on the old alternator but it wouldn't fit :-(