
Panda (Classic) Panda Van


Heres 'Baz' the Panda Van, coverted with the van rear end about four years ago, yet have owned the van end for some time, its been on a number of cars !
As for baz, he's lowered with compomotive wheels and has a metalflake steering wheel. Future upgrades include completely binning the fuel injection and adding a 1242cc (which i'll build when money allows) set up on a carb.
Photo is courtesy of Michael Ward from Auto Italia, for which I am eternally gratefull !!:D

Not posted anything in this bit for ages !

Anyway got down in the garage today and started tackling the 1242cc mpi engine rebuild. Ive already split the head from the block and took out the pistons, so today was taking off the clutch, flywheel and taking out the crank. Its all going well and the big end bearings look fine.
So can anyone answer me this, where is the best place to find oil seals, set of shells, new rings and gaskets ? I fear phoning fiat as theyll no doubt need a chassis number - any suggestions folks?


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An engineering shop that you would use for rebores etc should be able to supply these parts, but may no be the cheapest option.

If you haven't got a robot to put it all back together can you still call it a fire engine?
An engineering shop that you would use for rebores etc should be able to supply these parts, but may no be the cheapest option.

If you haven't got a robot to put it all back together can you still call it a fire engine?

Fully Integrated 'Rebuilt' Engine:D

Thanks for the ideas - keep 'em coming!
Bloomin panda dissgraced himself yesterday, to the point where the AA had to be called :(

Having spent a large chunk of Tuesday fitting posh new trim bits, doind a little re-routing of sound system wiring and even treating him to a new distributer cap and rotor arm, he decided to throw a panda strop and cease to run.

It was quite funny, picture this; we were visiting somewhere that had barriers, did the panda
A. stop just before the barrier
B. stop just pass the barrier after safely passing under neath it
C.Stop right under the barrier where he could have been chumphed ?!
You guesed it, in typical panda form the engine died right under the barrier !

Luckily a small herd af men were on hand to help me push the shamed panda out of the way.

Guessing it was something to do with new bits fitted had a quick look if there was anything obvious, unfortunately had no tools with me to check for spark etc. So anyway, I thought i'd leave it for 15 mins or so incase it was flooded or anything daft (or secretly hoping by the time I got back it would have fixed itself!)

Upon returing to the car an lovely man who had parked up in his van two spaces away had decided to empty the contents of his stomach BIG TIME - it was vile, so pushed the panda off to the other side of the carpark whwere there was less smell of vomit permiating through the air.:yuck:

Anyway couldny see anything wrong with panda and he still wouldnt start, so had no choice but to call the breakdown number I was supplied with by PD James insurance that came free with the policy - thinking it would be some kind of con, I was mildly concerned that there would be some kind of catch after hearing a few horror stories af FREE Breakdown cover.

Called breakdown and within 25 mins an incredibly understanding AA man came to the rescue. After checking the spark from the coil to the dizzy and having a good spark and then a weak spark coming back out of the dizzy, it kind of pointed to the rotor arm, which when it was took off a hairline crack had appeared which would have shorted it out.

I didnt have the old one with me (typical) so a quick call to a local motor factors and a lift in the AA van to collect it had me back on the road in no time !

So thankyou to the lovely AA man who understood that talking to cars was fine, thanks to PD James insurance for genuine free breakdown cover, thanks to the hotel who offered coffee whos car park we were on, and thanks to mom who sat in the passenger seat for the duration - its all an adventure !!(y)
Ooooh, hes better now, just a small cloud of shame hanging over him - not sure if ill ever get over the heft of the vomit at the side of the car tho':D