General Panda Road Trip Italia

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General Panda Road Trip Italia

Just get them to change the date, it's ages away yet. Or pull a sicky.

I'm at the same wedding, I will tell on him :p Its weddings galore next year, 4 in 3 months so far including mine.. I kinda think even if i am free when this happens i won't be able to afford it lol.
50k... don't make me laugh, if i had that much disposible cash i would buy a house (another thing I am trying to do atm incidently). Nah I think my wedding is gonna come in around 7-8k probably, all venue and stuff is booked and thats about 5k. The mrs bought her dress and that was only £250, this is been done on as tighter budget as poss...

And Andy, she walked past me last night and looked at the thread i was on and just announced 'NO!' - so yeah i think not lol. I have previously got her to agree to one day doing a full Europe massive round trip tour style jobby - camper towing a little car so i can go for blasts down epic roads, maybe something to build a fast panda or cento for in the future. But again, not gonna have the money for that next year for sure.

Anyhow, I'll shut up about my life, pull this back on topic shall we ;)
50k... don't make me laugh, if i had that much disposible cash i would buy a house (another thing I am trying to do atm incidently). Nah I think my wedding is gonna come in around 7-8k probably, all venue and stuff is booked and thats about 5k. The mrs bought her dress and that was only £250, this is been done on as tighter budget as poss...

And Andy, she walked past me last night and looked at the thread i was on and just announced 'NO!' - so yeah i think not lol. I have previously got her to agree to one day doing a full Europe massive round trip tour style jobby - camper towing a little car so i can go for blasts down epic roads, maybe something to build a fast panda or cento for in the future. But again, not gonna have the money for that next year for sure.

Anyhow, I'll shut up about my life, pull this back on topic shall we ;)

Not being funny but who actually has a £50k wedding? Ours is in the £3-4k budgets at the moment if that!
OK.. panda section as usual veering way off topic..

Most of the places locally to us that we liked want about 10k just for venue. Place we booked is around 5k and that includes the ceremony and reception, food (inc. wedding breakfast , afternoon and evening meal, honeymoon suite and I think a boat ride was included - its next to the river the venue).

To that we need to pay a florist, sort the cake, clothes for us and bridesmaids, any decor not included by venue like table decorations, photographer. It all adds up pretty quickly.

Not to say it's not doable on a right budget but it's not easy to keep the price down. We have kept guests to minimum and that helps A LOT.
I thought marriage was all about a lifetime commitment not just a posh day out?
Or is it a lifetime of debt with no real commitment for the posh?

As I now have a lightweight caravan I will be too slow for any convoys (no change there then!) and will make my way across France to the venue. I may even bring Lucy along though she will insist on the aircon mk4.

My little set up:
i know its way over weight for the roads but i was impressed how well Fallout towed our bigish caravan.. with a weight of 1400kg (loaded).

think i have a video somewhere.. 4x4 was not used once!

a small lighter caravan like yours would be child's play if you stuck a 1.2 engine in one of your mk2s!
i bet its only about 400 to 500kg if that?
i know its way over weight for the roads but i was impressed how well Fallout towed our bigish caravan.. with a weight of 1400kg (loaded).

think i have a video somewhere.. 4x4 was not used once!

a small lighter caravan like yours would be child's play if you stuck a 1.2 engine in one of your mk2s!
i bet its only about 400 to 500kg if that?

It's 650kgs, the plan is to get Henry to pull it after the 1242cc goes in.

The twin air made light work of it, there was a little bobbing on the motorway but no sway.

I've asked for a weeks holiday at the end of the month and just need to decide where to go. I may head north and see how far I can get in 2 days!
Good evening folks !! :D:D

I had a talk with TrapperJack regarding the next international meeting (2017).
The meeting could be on 16-17-18 /06/2017, but for now the date is NOT fixed. ;)

After the summer Jack will start talking again with Rudy (the rally champion, he organizes all the drive-events in "Ciocco").

The dates could be different, for example 9-10-11 /06/2017.

Guys, I would suggest you an idea.
Write here the week you prefer (between the 2 ones written above), and we can see which is the best date for you.
In this way we could ask to move the date towards the best one, even if I cannot guarantee that it will be "changed".

Cheers !!
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