General Panda Road Trip Italia

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General Panda Road Trip Italia

What about doing an earlier trip to avoid sweltering temperatures? I'm sure the Italians would still play host even if its not an full international event?
I thought Portugal was this year? :confused:
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What about doing an earlier trip to avoid sweltering temperatures? I'm sure the Italians would still play host even if its not an full international event?
I thought Portugal was this year? :confused:

I think Freebo was offering it as an alternative to the international meet in 2017, correct me if I'm wrong.

If we're doing the Italy trip as a collective again then I'd prefer to do it for the international meet as we did last time. What do others think?
What about doing an earlier trip to avoid sweltering temperatures?

It wasn't that sweltering tbh. Just that bloody tunnel that was hot :eek:

I think Freebo was offering it as an alternative to the international meet in 2017, correct me if I'm wrong.


If we're doing the Italy trip as a collective again then I'd prefer to do it for the international meet as we did last time. What do others think?

Seconded :)
Just had a look we did it on the 12/13/14th June in 2015 and I think this year it was similar dates. If so it fits in nicely with my Schedule!

Though I'm hoping for 16/17/18th as I'm busy on the previous weekend :\
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Right we'll start getting our heads together shortly and get this planned.

What do you want to do about Portugal then @Freebo?

I feel Italy is easier, we know roughly what to do now. Portugal would take an awful lot of planning and would be a big jump into the unknown I guess. With the Italy trip there is an event planned when we get there that we dont have to worry about.
Those are the joys I'm afraid.

There and back for the duration of event only or few days extra on both journeys?

Well these are the things we would need to discuss, I know personally I'd like to take some extra time out to see more stuff, I liked our little stop in Stuttgart but I felt sad that Dad, Andy and Jonathan all stayed in the carpark trying to fix Andys carb and we went out to the Mercedes Museum. It would be nice to perhaps spend two nights in the same hotel so we get a full day somewhere. Or even do what we originally planned and visit Marenello or Turin.

Assuming its Friday/Saturday/Sunday we could set off on the Sunday/Monday before hand and get back the following Saturday/Sunday. This gives us 4/5 days to get there and 6/7 days to get back. Also do we want to do the whole weekend? Maybe just the Friday/Saturday and do our own thing on the Sunday?

Lots of possibilities. I'd also like to stay somewhere possibly just inside Belgium rather than near Germany on the first night.Giving us an easier first day and a good solid full day on the contenent perhaps ending the second day in Germany. Third Day to Como and 4th day to Lucca. Spreads it out a little more and we kinda know the route too.
Oh this news couldn't be better - Le Mans in 2017 is 17-18th June so I'm seeing a two week adventure with the return journey taking in the world's best endurance racing in La Sarthe.

Wonderful prospect. If anyone else is up for the French bit on the way back from Italy, they can count on me to help organize it.

- To Pod, or not To Pod? That is the question..