General Panda Offroading Opportunity Salisbury Plain

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General Panda Offroading Opportunity Salisbury Plain


Spirito di Panto!
Oct 17, 2005
Princes Risborough, Bucks
There is a thread over on the current Panda section, where triumph7 has found an offroading opportunity on Salisbury Plain. The organiser is happy to do a Panda only event on the 11th May. :slayer:

See this thread for more details.

I'd love to do this, but not sure I can arrange that date (just been asked to attend a 50th anniversary show for the Car Of The Year award the day before :bang: ). If it proves to be good, this may be something we can arrange again later too :idea:

If anyone is interested VmanC pandamonius_maximus etc (I know some of you are going to be too far away), please pop over to that thread to see what's going on. (y)

And there is to be no nasty competition with the mk4 Panda's - they are extremely impressive machines, although we all know the old ones would take some beating offroad. ;)

Cheers, Gavin.
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Thanks for the info Gav, would love to do it but I just have too much on at the moment. If you guys can make it show em how to do it proper :thumbup:

I'm thinking we could use this one for a future gathering too?

There must be loads of offroading round here (I'm in the Chilterns), as we're not short of countryside - loads of hills, woods, fields, and mud. Don't know where I'd find local groups though.......
Just to say that Salisbury Plain is fantabulous for off-roading. I used to live down there, when I had my -- are you ready, Didge3...?! -- wonderful Isuzu Bighorn; and there are some wonderful trails and green lanes...! :D

Just make sure you don't end up on MoD land, though: or you could meet a tank, coming the other way...! ;)
I am definitely up for this as a future event, not sure about that date yet though. I still haven't set out which Hillclimbs and Sprints I am doing this year :eek:

And I still have to fix the Marbella from her final event / grand finale last year! :(

At the moment just trying to figure out how I am not going to die in the middle of the Atlas mountains :devil:

I'd love to drive the Ridgeway one day (y)

That's an idea - is it all byway? I know the Icknield Way just up from me is byway from May-Nov I think, but last time I walked it near Whiteleaf I seriously doubt I could Panda it without a guide looking to see if there's a route to pick out at one place (steep, big ruts and chalk boulders where the weather's had its wicked way!). I also admit to being a little nervous about asserting my right to drive it (sensibly) as I doubt the walkers & horse riders will be very welcoming. Where's the "chicken" smilie??..... ;)
That's an idea - is it all byway? I know the Icknield Way just up from me is byway from May-Nov I think, but last time I walked it near Whiteleaf I seriously doubt I could Panda it without a guide looking to see if there's a route to pick out at one place (steep, big ruts and chalk boulders where the weather's had its wicked way!). I also admit to being a little nervous about asserting my right to drive it (sensibly) as I doubt the walkers & horse riders will be very welcoming. Where's the "chicken" smilie??..... ;)

I did the bit above Wantage in a Vauxhall Cavalier 1.6L once, I did get some funny looks from the ramblers and horsey types as I had one wheel in a tractor rut and the other on the top, 30 degree angle and there were 5 in the car too :cool:
I did the bit above Wantage in a Vauxhall Cavalier 1.6L once, I did get some funny looks from the ramblers and horsey types as I had one wheel in a tractor rut and the other on the top, 30 degree angle and there were 5 in the car too :cool:

The moral of that story is "don't drink & drive!" :p

Maybe we should try Panda'ing it one day (when the weather's a bit less British)? (y)
3 cars confirmed for Sunday may 11th. 2 places left!! :)

Will pop over to the New section to check it out. (y)

You know I'm really tempted, but would I want to do it the day after a long trip down to a show in Kent?????? :tempt:

C'mon someone fill those spaces before scout offers to drive the Sisley to Salisbury while I kip in the passenger seat!!

VmanC is Howie's dragging undercarriage now a thing of the past & is he sitting much higher with new shocks (and bodywork! :eek: )?
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You know I'm really tempted, but would I want to do it the day after a long trip down to a show in Kent?????? :tempt:

C'mon someone fill those spaces before scout offers to drive the Sisley to Salisbury while I kip in the passenger seat!!

VmanC is Howie's dragging undercarriage now a thing of the past & is he sitting much higher with new shocks (and bodywork! :eek: )?

Well as you know he wasn't as low as we'd first thought, about a cm lower than Oslo, but now with the new shocks he's the same. (y)

Go on do it, you know you want to :devil:
Well as you know he wasn't as low as we'd first thought, about a cm lower than Oslo, but now with the new shocks he's the same. (y)

Go on do it, you know you want to :devil:

Thanks - I suspect the scrap iron on the front & weak shocks made him dip too. I like the scrap iron on the front though, it makes people take you seriously when you drive at them (even BM's give way :D ).

Hmm will have to have a think...... (y)
I did the bit above Wantage in a Vauxhall Cavalier 1.6L once, I did get some funny looks from the ramblers and horsey types as I had one wheel in a tractor rut and the other on the top, 30 degree angle and there were 5 in the car too :cool:

Ridgeway was closed to "Vehicular traffic" over 10 years ago,
after a few "seasonal closures":(

of course the big + heavy things that cause all the actual erosion are still using it - tractors + trailers,

not really in the same league as my 83Kg , 8 bhp bike :confused:

Ridgeway was closed to "Vehicular traffic" over 10 years ago,
after a few "seasonal closures":(

of course the big + heavy things that cause all the actual erosion are still using it - tractors + trailers,

not really in the same league as my 83Kg , 8 bhp bike :confused:


Is it all closed Charlie? I found this which states some sections are ok - the one near Risborough I know is open (thought that was officially the Icknield Way, but I think the Ridgeway follows it at that point)?

Click on who can enjoy the ridgeway, then can I take my car - I can't link to that section for some reason! :confused:

Is it all closed Charlie? I found this which states some sections are ok - the one near Risborough I know is open (thought that was officially the Icknield Way, but I think the Ridgeway follows it at that point)?

Click on who can enjoy the ridgeway, then can I take my car - I can't link to that section for some reason! :confused:


"the ridgeway" is classed as a "long-distance-path", ;)

the parts local to me ( Berkshire downs) were closed ( restricted) in their entirity 10+ years ago,
Swindon to Streatley are the nearest start + end points.. ALL shut to vehicles - still open as a bridlepath though..

so if you went to stick some outriggers on the sides of a panda, and get "dobbin" up front.. you should still be o.k. :D

Is it all closed Charlie? I found this which states some sections are ok - the one near Risborough I know is open (thought that was officially the Icknield Way, but I think the Ridgeway follows it at that point)?

Click on who can enjoy the ridgeway, then can I take my car - I can't link to that section for some reason! :confused:


This is the section you were looking for:

Can I drive a motor vehicle on the Trail?close this FAQ
If you wish to ride a motorbike, or drive a 4 by 4 or car on The Ridgeway you can legally use the following sections (most of which can only be used by recreational vehicles from 1st May to 30th September each year).

Western half of The Ridgeway

There are four sections of the Trail from Overton Hill to Streatley on the River Thames that have byway status and can therefore be driven for recreation. A summary map of the western half of The Ridgeway is available on the Leaflets page but grid references are given here and you are advised to check detailed maps before you venture out:

6 miles - from the start of the Trail at Overton Hill (SU 118681) to just west of Barbury Castle (SU 145764). Available for driving from 1st May to 30th September only (apart from final 200m that can be driven at any time of the year).
4.5 miles - from just west of Ogbourne St George (SU 193746) to south of Liddington Castle (SU 215780). Available for driving from 1st May to 30th September only.
Less than 2 miles - from Fox Hill (SU 232815) south of Hinton Parva to Bishopstone (SU 259832). Available for driving at any time of the year.
4 miles - from north of Compton (SU 509819) to Streatley (SU 567813). Available for driving from 1st May to 30th September only.
East of the River Thames

There is just one very short byway section available for driving 1st May to 30th September only:

1 mile on the edge of Princes Risborough from the Wycombe Road (SP 806025) east to SP 814033.