Technical Panda Brake Judder

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Technical Panda Brake Judder


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Hi. Anyone any ideas on this? My Panda Multijet 58 reg has done nearly 8k and I've noticed that when I'm braking it feels like I've suddenly got egg shaped wheels! Its faint but getting worse. I had this years ago on a car with either bent discs or drums. Only got the car last October. Would it be something that WILL or WONT be likely covered on the warranty?
Thanks! :confused:
You mean you are experiencing an up and down flutter on the brake pedal ..that symptom is telling me you have warped discs..:eek: and that shouldn't be happening on a car with only 8K on the clock..i would get it back to fiat pronto to be seen to ..they can check if the discs have run out with a dial gauge ..
Could just be a bit of debris on the disc so I'd recommend doing a few high speed stops and see if that sorts it. Another thing that you could have checked is wheel balance/alignment which might cause what you're feeling....

Could just be a bit of debris on the disc so I'd recommend doing a few high speed stops and see if that sorts it. Another thing that you could have checked is wheel balance/alignment which might cause what you're feeling....


Thanks guys. Funny you should mention wheel alignment or Tracking. I've just had that done. It feels great now, but the garage who did it said they'd never seen such a new car with tracking so 'far out' before. They said it had a big toe out I think. I've heard that Fiats have been supplied with the tracking misaligned. Can't prove it though. The judder is getting steadily worse and I suspect its drums or discs but its not enough to shake the steering wheel yet or anything. Just makes you feel like there are humps in the road. Thanks. Its going in on Friday to be checked so I hope I don't get a bill for anything. Its my guess that discs should be covered warranty wise but pads not.
Have you done any long hard stops without releasing the brakes immediately afterwards?

You've most likely clamped the pads to the discs, and the heat caused deposits to settle on the disc.

Also, warped discs don't happen:

I found this biit most interesting from article above -

never leave your foot on the brake pedal after you have used the brakes hard. This is not usually a problem on public roads simply because, under normal conditions, the brakes have time to cool before you bring the car to a stop (unless, like me, you live at the bottom of a long steep hill)...... clamping the pads to a hot stationary disc will result in material transfer and discernible "brake roughness".

But discs just don't seem to be as hard as they used to and seem to wear out in the same time as the pads - though not in 8k
I found this biit most interesting from article above -

never leave your foot on the brake pedal after you have used the brakes hard. This is not usually a problem on public roads simply because, under normal conditions, the brakes have time to cool before you bring the car to a stop (unless, like me, you live at the bottom of a long steep hill)...... clamping the pads to a hot stationary disc will result in material transfer and discernible "brake roughness".

But discs just don't seem to be as hard as they used to and seem to wear out in the same time as the pads - though not in 8k

Yeah I had some Peugeot ones fitted once to a 306 Diesel and those discs actually were down to the legal minimum in a year (20k approx) and I am not a heavy braker. It was the first time I'd found discs wear down before the pads!! Had some fast-fit ones put on and they lasted until I got rid of it! Anyway, I've taken my car to Jordans at Hull but when I got there there lad said he'd taken it down the road and couldn't tell but that he couldnt get it on the machine as they are moving workshops and the tester is out of action! If its warped disc or drum then it will probably get worse won't it? I just don't know if they are covered against that on waranty or if you are time or mileage limited. Thanks everyone.