Outlook Express hanging problem

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Outlook Express hanging problem

Jun 30, 2008
Good morning all.
Last night I clicked on an old email, with no attachments, and from a known source. I had openend the email several weeks ago, but opened it again to refer back to it.
The message refused to open, so i reastarted Outlook Express (running in XP) and the basic "framework" of OE opened, but no messages or folders appeared.
In the error message was generated this:
msimn.exe 6.0.2900.5512: hungapp
I have tried togoogle this, but the only solution I could find involved messing with the registry, which scares the life out of me. But it seems like a common fault. Does anybody have any ideas on how to fix it?
Thanks in advance for looking :)
Tried starting Outlook Express in Safe Mode?
Tried that now, and also system restore to the day before the problem occurred, and it's still happening :( Don't know what to try next. I also ran a full system virus scan.
I'm a bit distracted today as it's my first chance to look in daylight and dry at my new acquisition (wrong place I know but couldn't resist), it's a cutel, box-shaped Fiat, 19 years old, and shares its name with a mammal that has great difficulty breeding in captivity!)
Tried starting Outlook Express in Safe Mode?
Looking on line this seems to be a common problem, but all the searches seem to be linked to sites that want you to download their miraculous scanning and fix program, which I don't trust.
I have re-booted twice. Tried starting in safe mode, ended something called SSMMgr.exe, but I am still not getting any emails.
Not sure what to try next :bang:
Ah, I didn't mean starting the program in Windows Safe mode, more like actually running the program in 'safe mode' .

For instance, I use Outlook and on the rare occasion it hangs, I have an Icon on my desktop with the target as:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\OUTLOOK.EXE" /safe

but I would need to check the options on Express, haven't used it for years

Any good? http://www.techgenie.com/latest/how-to-start-microsoft%C2%AE-outlook-express-in-safe-mode/
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Development. I shut down and re-started the computer, but then it automatically downloaded MS updates, which presumably means this has undone the roll-back that I did this morning.
Anyway, now 2 out of my 3 email id's are displaying! Unfortunately not the one I really need, but i suppose it's progress. Now I just have to figure out why the imap folder isn't actually showing any messages inside it.
Ok, that was a handy tip, thanks. Outlook Express started up really fast in safe mode, but one of my imaps is still not displaying anything. I think i will try re-creating it. Maybe that will work?