ouch :(

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ouch :(


this is where i stand
Oct 8, 2003
i'm having a clumsy day. just head butted the corner of a shelf, and before i smacked my head on a door frame in the cellar shortly before burning my arm with a soldering iron.

and here is a giant purple lollypop


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arc said:
i'm having a clumsy day. just head butted the corner of a shelf, and before i smacked my head on a door frame in the cellar shortly before burning my arm with a soldering iron.

and here is a giant purple lollypop

Ooooooooo cellar:eek: hope you werent buryng anyone sorry anything down there ARC :dead:
PNL said:
Ooooooooo cellar:eek: hope you werent buryng anyone sorry anything down there ARC :dead:

*arc looks around, rather shiftilily* what, who, me? nah :cool:

Trancendental said:
carefull or you'll soon be shouting "Help I'm on Fire"

That lollipop is dancing all alone :(

Am avoiding anything flammable. Dare i drive round mates house later though :eek:

Lollypop is giant mirror ball on the prom in blackpool. i think they should have a big party around it in the summer. would be ace.

gaz_wrexham said:
meany :( - i guess being in a car with me is worse though :chin: :D

i am not mean:eek:

im a good girl or so i am told:eek:

i never got the chance to find out if bein in a car is worse cos my mean employers demand i turn up if i want to get paid my wages, i mean can u believe it:D
gaz_wrexham said:
that terrible, get a new job :cool:

I did this is my new job, well actually my old new job, left this place went to YMCA, altogether and then back

me thinks I made a MISTAKE!!!!

but its ok cos I am leaving very soon, so i canstand a few weeks b4 iam off, yeah!!!, ooohhh sun, sea, :devil: i am sure u can guess the rest, yep sleep, 2day plane jouney gona be a killer:cool:
gaz_wrexham said:
i guess being in a car with me is worse though :chin: :D
Maybe that's why sammi made you sit in the back all the way to Skegness and back? :chin: :p