Technical Oil pouring out of coolant header tank

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Technical Oil pouring out of coolant header tank


Distinguished member
Apr 8, 2017
Ducato 2.2 diesel

Oil pouring from coolant header tank.

Coolant gauge reads normal temperature.

Doesn't look like mayonnaise looks like black oil with no coolant mixed in.

Anyone already enjoyed this?

Need more info ;)

When you say
'Pouring from header'

Do you mean circulating.. or leaking

Oil level moved much?

Hi Charlie,

I thought you would be interested in this one :)

Coolant cap on properly , 1.4 bar opening cap. Oil is coming out past coolant cap.

Yes engine oil level is dropping, it's definitely engine oil coming out.

Engine temp normal, engine running normally, No loss of power , No misfire.
Owner noticed pool of oil under vehicle.
When bonnet opened obvious where it is coming from.
I have a theory what it is.
Thought some of you may enjoy putting forward suggestions.
Is this a proper FIAT
Or the transit engine ?



Mine too :) :)
clamped coolant hoses to oil cooler ,disconnected one cooland hose. Waiting for owner to return with keys-doh!
So I can start it , if oil comes out of water oriface then we have a diagnosis murder.... no sorry daytime tv then we have a positive diagnosis fractured oil cooler.

Ford engine in this one.
Had oil in coolant on previously owned Astra 1.7TD, but only visible as black fluid in header tank.

Diagnosis = Failed oil cooler (heat exchanger).

Hopefully oil pressure greater than the quoted 1.4 Bar for the coolant circuit, so oil will flow into the coolant, and over pressurise the cooling system.

Sorry if I have spoilt the guessing game.
Had oil in coolant on previously owned Astra 1.7TD, but only visible as black fluid in header tank.

Diagnosis = Failed oil cooler (heat exchanger).

Hopefully oil pressure greater than the quoted 1.4 Bar for the coolant circuit, so oil will flow into the coolant, and over pressurise the cooling system.

Sorry if I have spoilt the guessing game.

I hope the oil pressure is over 23psi !!
For those interested......
Confirmed oil to water heat exchanger fractured internally.

I expected oil to pour from open coolant stub with engine started but it took a couple of minutes idling before there was a steady drip of oil. Must be much worse with engine at normal temperature and oil pressure higher than at idle revs.

Anyway good news new part can be had for £60 delivered.
Great news it's not head gasket.
I seem to remember that at one time Mercedes had the bright idea of integrating the automatic transmission fluid cooler with the main engine cooling radiator. A leak between the two would contaminate the ATF with coolant, which didn't do the transmission much good !