Off Topic Oh dear What have Fiat been up to now..

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Off Topic Oh dear What have Fiat been up to now..


That Guy off YouTube
May 23, 2011
Norfolk UK
Fiat have done a Tie-in in the US and this is the result

The Fiat 500L Vans edition

comes pre-vandalised (pun intended)



Full story on the Top gear website

I should add that even though it looks like some mighty off roader with huge ground clearance its still only a fwd and intended only to go off road when mounting a kerb in next carpark
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Fiat are so intent on attacking the US market they've forgotten about us :(
I may be the target market for this as I like it, except the roof box or the sticker bomb...although I do own a set of vans in blue with white soles that would match it exactly.

I prefer it to a normal 500 fat boy...if you're gonna look ridiculous go nuts multipla style.
Have to agree with StevenRB45 if your going for the ugly duckling then make it stand out from the rest of the mediocre crowd as for the 'sticker bombing' unless its done properly (one sticker at a time) it just looks wrong anyway.

I didn't think the 500L could look any worse and FIAT prove me wrong.
Wow that's awful! :eek:

Of course I'm clearly not part of the target audience, so feel free to ignore me. When I saw it was a "Vans" edition I was genuinely trying to work out what it had to do with Transit Vans or Thames Vans!! I had never heard of Vans as a shoe brand - is it only me? :eek:

Oh, and what is the sticker thing about? Give me the Coupe's body coloured dash strip any day! (y)
Eeeek, im gonna go against the grain here! If they released that over here & i could afford to get my mits on one id have one. Looks bang on on the outside, however the sticker bombing on the inside is a little ott i must admit.
As an ex-surfer (dude), I like it. I have a feeling if one turned up on the beach in Newquay or your local skate park driving that, one wouldn't last long! Unless of coarse you promptly went out and ripped the place up!
As an ex-surfer (dude), I like it. I have a feeling if one turned up on the beach in Newquay or your local skate park driving that, one wouldn't last long! Unless of coarse you promptly went out and ripped the place up!

If they turned up and ripped the place up would you feel the need to ask how much fiat was paying them?

I have no idea who the target market is...the sort of people who would choose to sticker bomb a car are generally not the sort of people who lease/buy a brand new people carrier. Even if they had the cash they'd be more likely to plough it into a T24 or similar with all mod cons.