Nuclear Power is suddenly the demon of the earth?

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Nuclear Power is suddenly the demon of the earth?

With a smashed infrastructure and wrecked fuel tanks? It's not like a they'd just be tank you can pour stuff into.

Everything got wrecked, I mean normally it makes it's own power and that'd power the cooling system. If one reactor failed, one of the others cut take over powering - but they were all off, so no power. Then the power coming into the plant was wrecked, so the backup generators kicked in, which were wrecked, so it ran on the backup backup batteries. Which last 8 hours and then wrecked.

It's only now that it's being classed as serious as Three Mile Island, and that was an actual nuclear accident (human error, design flaws and mechanical failures) - this is destruction on a totally different scale.
at the end of the day there was nothing they can do, any nuclear power plant is gonna throw a wobbly if it gets hit by an earth quake and a tsunami
Not according to Daz, knowing his mentality he will probably blame Thatcher for it :p
well then.
so one link Kansai International airport
at this time thatcher was continuing being posh, will have looked at the brits making an airport for japan pountless the design will have theire fore took ages. thatcher will have decided internationally not to take any intrest in japan from this point other than import / expot theire for any english sub contract designers will have being out of the game.

ill provide somthing more solid tomorrow
Alright mate.
Got told that wind farms use more energy then they give out.
dont know if thats true but thats what i herd.

They don't run generating power much, because its either too windy or not windy enough.

diesel don't mind water if they ran out of fuel that's daft.
why were they anywhere near water.
why not design for everything why not dig em underground.
cpt hindsight to the rescue

Did you not see the power of the water coming inland Daz? :p

so it ran on the backup backup batteries. Which last 8 hours and then wrecked.

Never heard about the batteries.
dont be silly more thinking some hydralic barriors that would raise after an earthquake protecting sertain areas.
somthing like

What you are attempting to do daz, is plan for an event that was, until now, beyond even the wildest imaginations. Its the same thing that went on after the Boxing Day Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Black Friday bushfires we had in Australia a couple of years ago, the Christchurch Earthquake, the recent floods in Australia, and it is the same thing that will happen after every major natural disaster that breaks the record books. Unfortunatly, it is something that just can't be planned for, we just have to use hindsight.
Never heard about the batteries.

there are a few references to them about;

These reactors had several available backup sources of power to run the active cooling systems: the national electrical grid, thirteen backup diesel generators; and backup batteries that last for eight hours.

Unfortunately, the combination of the earthquake and tsunami cut off power from the electrical grid and caused all thirteen backup generators to fail about an hour after the earthquake, apparently because they were hit at that time by the tsunami. This left the nuclear reactors with only eight hours of power available to them from the batteries, which isn’t enough time for the reactors to cool down to a safe temperature.

etc etc