Technical Noise behind glove box issue.

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Technical Noise behind glove box issue.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
In my mk2 punto 1.2 8 valve, have a coolant issue.

First up I drained coolant and tried to bleed the system however no coolant came out of either bleed valves ( I added coolant in segments, not all in one go ) refitted rad hoses and continued driving.

Next morning, checked coolant, had all drained out or evaperated. This carried on for two more days ( after refilling coolant every time to max lvl ) then stopped losing coolant and it stayed in the tank. Two weeks later coolant levels remains the same.

No coolant will still appear from bleed valves and noise behind glove is still there.

What can I do to remove the noise ff?

Thank you.
There is an excellent guide by dave in the guides section. Look here to see how it's done. The reason you are not seeing coolant at the bleed points is that you filled to 'Max', not right to the top of the filler nozzle, and then the bleeding process lets it drop to 'Max', where it should be.
Ah good guide there thanks for the link - sounds nice and simple - and only took me about 10 seconds to read which is a bonus :)

Will be attempting this wednesday and reporting back, thanks.
Update guys, I bled the system, according to the guide, coolant came out of bleed screws fine after filling coolant to the top of the bootle. Everything went fine however afterwards there is a tapping noise which i'm not too impressed about, which will increase in tapping speed when revving on idle. any ideas?

but anyhow noise is still present behind my glove box so must be a heater matrix leak???

if this is correct will it cause any damage if I leave it for a while? is it just a cosmetic noise if there is a leak in matrix???

is there a sealant of some sort? or is it a full dash out job. thanks
There should be no noise at all. Gurgling = air bubbles = risk to head gasket.

Coolant has a distinctive smell so if the matrix is leaking you should smell it and the windows will steam up and your carpets get wet.

You could try some Radweld or Barrs leaks but don't hold out too much faith. I've never had problems with it but some folks would have it banned for clogging up engines.

When I fill mine I remove a small hose from top of the thermostat and keep the heater pipe bleed nipple open. (I cant find a vent on the radiator (HGT)). I fill until coolant's comes out of the open pipe and vent then close them up. Bleeding it after a run released only coolant.
well i only say it's leak in matrix due to the fact i've tried to bleed the system twice now, and two garages have told me i have a leak in the matrix but I don't know, it seems logical that the coolant still needs bleeding because I can mainly hear the sound when the punto is ideling and when I rev it's a more serve rush of water/coolant i can hear behind the Glove.

is the top pipe your refering to the pipe with the second bleed screw on mk2? if you're looking into the bay?
mine gurgles...has done for 5 years ... still runs like a sweetie.

How comes? why have u never fixed it?

On another note I am really giving up with this bleeding thing, I can get lots of coolant out of the rad bleed screw but i have to squeeze the hoses to get coolant to appear out of the second hose, and then it still contains air bubbles because i have to squueze the hose?

next thing to do is to try it on a hill?

and will it make much of a difference after i bleed the system (from cold, not warm) and the cooling fan has come on (with the coolant noise still present) if i dont wait until the car has cooled down again after that?

just I don't get enough time to let it cool down 100% I can only leave it for about an hour and a half max (takes 3 hours too cool completely) before I have to drive it again home lol. (I do my bleeding at college when I have a two hour
