Technical New oil 100HP

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Technical New oil 100HP


Jul 28, 2009
Hi all I'm in a bit of a spot I've just changed the oil on my 100HP
and bought Motul 8100 eco-clean 5w-30w as recommended by
an oil supplier and am now wondering if I've made a mistake?
Let me know what you think please..

Cheers Colin..
I used 0-40 Mobil 1 for top ups on mine. Mainly because we use that in the Teg.

It's not gone through it like I thought it would and now i'm on 11K it really is loosened up nicely. Service next week so thicker cheaper stuff going in I guess.
Ya got me paranoid so I changed the oil again to some
Mobil 1. The only good thing was I got it cheap from
Costco for £22.85 result.

makes me laugh when people think they know better than the manufacturer

just use the right specified oil grade - simples!

For me it was more of a case of what I could get hold of. I couldn't get the manufacturer specs when i went oil shopping so just got the Mobil 1 in 0-40w as at least it's a very high quality oil, plus we use that in the Teg.

To be fair though it hasn't required that much in top up's maybe a bit over half a litre in 11600miles. (y)

It'll be having it's first service next week and is really running lovely at the moment, engine has freed up nicely, so it'll be wholly back to correct oil spec by next Thursday. I'll probably buy a litre of oil from the dealer whilst i'm there.
makes me laugh when people think they know better than the manufacturer

just use the right specified oil grade - simples!

Whos that aimed at :confused:

Just I've a good 60L of 10w40 in the shed as all our 8v fiats use it, now got a 16v and wondering is 10w40 is usable rather than going out and buying even more oil.

Although I seem to remember mums 16v Yaris taking 5w40, so might stock up in bulk on that now also.

Whos that aimed at :confused:

Just I've a good 60L of 10w40 in the shed as all our 8v fiats use it, now got a 16v and wondering is 10w40 is usable rather than going out and buying even more oil.

Although I seem to remember mums 16v Yaris taking 5w40, so might stock up in bulk on that now also.

no you will get tractor noise, use 5w 40. you 8v dont have hydro tappets