General Multipla Steering

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General Multipla Steering


Established member
Jan 19, 2008
Hi All

Our 05 facelift petrol Multipla has an amazing turning circle! - but only when turning right. When turning left it is quite poor.

At first I thought this was a design feature and i have checked the owners manual where there is no mention of it.

Can anyone confirm if this is normal?

Occasionally the left tyre rubs on the inner body and I have started to think somehow the steering rack has been installed incorrectly? Although I'm struggling to understand how this might happen...? :confused:
It has about 12 threads exposed on pass side and 5 or 6 on the drivers. Inner corner of pass side tyre is rubbing on 'chassis'.

Steering rack must be off centre?

It makes a massive difference to the turning circle
Either that, or if the rack has been reconditioned or pulled apart for some reason, it could have been reassembled with the rack off centre when the pinion was refitted? I’m guessing here, as I don’t know what’s involved in rebuilding the rack.
Its quite a useful feature - apart from when you need to turn sharp left! It U-turns like a London cab!

I replaced the front subframe on a Punto and the rack had to be centered by driving back and forth in a straight line before the bolts were tightened. It's probably similar issue here but it's been corrected with the track rod ends instead

It'll need the tracking doing so I think we'll go on living with it, it's been almost a year now.

Got no history with the car so who knows...