General 2005 Multipla

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General 2005 Multipla


Feb 25, 2009
It was getting cold. first signs of winter, and the car was slow to start but OK.
So I put the battery on charge to help it next time at 3.5a. Next time was fine.
Today we went out, noticed the speedo, rev counter and fuel gauge were dead.
Everything else is OK, looked on the forum saw "bad earth" was a possibility so I
cleaned and refitted the earth connections but not the feed to stop the starter from
working. Is still the same no speedo.
My book says "compteur" fuse 26 but that is enclosed in a plastic cage.
Another contributor says fuse 13 but that may be the older model?
I have my Cotrole technique next Thursday so I am panicking a bit.
Please help?


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It was getting cold. first signs of winter, and the car was slow to start but OK.
So I put the battery on charge to help it next time at 3.5a. Next time was fine.
Today we went out, noticed the speedo, rev counter and fuel gauge were dead.
Everything else is OK, looked on the forum saw "bad earth" was a possibility so I
cleaned and refitted the earth connections but not the feed to stop the starter from
working. Is still the same no speedo.
My book says "compteur" fuse 26 but that is enclosed in a plastic cage.
Another contributor says fuse 13 but that may be the older model?
I have my Cotrole technique next Thursday so I am panicking a bit.
Please help?
It may be worth just seeing if it will jump start from another battery, as with the first bit of cold weather is often the time an older battery decides to die totally. If you have multimeter just see what voltage there is at the battery terminals 12.5 volts roughly. Also just check the terminals are not just loose. It wouldn't be the first;)
Thank you, our car has no problems starting ever. It was just a bit slow after a minus -2 early morning.
We went out last night and noticed that the instrument light also dont come on.
Also the warning sound does not work when a door is left open when driving.
I will recheck the earth connection again, I will lose the memory info but that doesn't matter at this time, I need to find the fault urgently.

It may be an idea to check the connectors at the instruments and check that the ground wires at the instruments are still connected to ground using multimeter.

Don't tell control technic that Speedo not working....fingers xed they may not notice.

Good luck
That is wonderful..... throw the removed fuse away straight away 😀
I continued to prepare our multi for its CT on Thursday, which involved air and fuel filter change, then drive around to warm the engine, new oil filter drain oil and fill up with GTX put a can of Wynn's in then drive around and check dipstick level.
The fuel filter case didn't leak, I must be getting better!
The air filter must have been dirty (didn't look dirty) as car seems to pull better now.
Is always left outside so the body trims and gaps get a bit green, all gone now.
I hope it passes emission regs as we cant afford another engine or another Fiat just yet.
Am knackered now, It is becoming too much for us, we are both in our 80`s I will be 84 in January.
Is a relief that I found the faulty fuse thanks to everyone's encouragement. Barry