im not starting this tread so we can 250 posts saying 'we're turning into america wanting to sue everyone and get comp for everything' so if thats what you're gonna post after reading what i write... dont.
ok, so a close friend of mine recently got pregnant, she was happy, as was the father (even tho they arent together. long story, cant live with/cant live without kinda thing() and they go for the first scan, on a thursday, only to find out the baby has no heartbeat
so shes told it has to be removed... the following monday.
after alot of bumbling about, not really knowing whats going on and just being confused for a whole day, she finally has the op and all is well. off home she goes.
early hours of thursday morning she has quite heavy bleeding and ends up back in hospital. after another day of not really knowing whats going on shes told they didnt do the op properly the first time round, and they need to do it again!!!! they say they can do it that evening (thursday night) but then they dont and she ends up having to stay in over night, and having the op the day after (friday)
so! i cant get my head around how it could have been fluffed up the first time round, unless they werent paying attention to what they were doing
and what if she hadnt of started bleeding? what could have happened if this went undetected for longer? doesnt bare thinking about really..
so, shes having to have more time off work and more emotional stress
do you think she has grounds to be compensated (money shes lost from not being able to goto work) at all? or do you think its an easy mistake to make.
ok, so a close friend of mine recently got pregnant, she was happy, as was the father (even tho they arent together. long story, cant live with/cant live without kinda thing() and they go for the first scan, on a thursday, only to find out the baby has no heartbeat
after alot of bumbling about, not really knowing whats going on and just being confused for a whole day, she finally has the op and all is well. off home she goes.
early hours of thursday morning she has quite heavy bleeding and ends up back in hospital. after another day of not really knowing whats going on shes told they didnt do the op properly the first time round, and they need to do it again!!!! they say they can do it that evening (thursday night) but then they dont and she ends up having to stay in over night, and having the op the day after (friday)
so! i cant get my head around how it could have been fluffed up the first time round, unless they werent paying attention to what they were doing
so, shes having to have more time off work and more emotional stress
do you think she has grounds to be compensated (money shes lost from not being able to goto work) at all? or do you think its an easy mistake to make.