General Marea poly headlights

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General Marea poly headlights

My jtd 110 sx w/ender 2001 yr has a very poor main beam i need to do something about it myself..
Nightbreakers are ment to be great, but I would use them in conjunction with some Marea polys

I saw a difference going from a Bravo to a Marea but it is still shockingly bad. I will be getting some nightbreakers soon :)
the polys are an improvement but the lights are still poor; either get extreme brilliance bulbs from halfords (currently 2 for 1) or fit high intensity xenon bulbs to the dip (about £200) also make sure they are adjusted properly. Incidentally isnt it about time dip/main beam system was scrapped? Traffic density means main beam is only ever on for a few seconds at a time.
Non-poly headlights with bulb gives more light than same bulb in poly headlights.
But poly-headlights with xenon HID are best combination.
I have poly headlights on my Marea and tryed al kind of bulbs-even Philips Rally wich is forbiden for road use. But when i fitted HID 6000K i dont need long beam any more.
Light from the most expencier "common" bulb cannot compare with cheapest xenon HID
So poly+xenon hid=the best solution