General Looking For A Part Name For A Punto Wheel.

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General Looking For A Part Name For A Punto Wheel.


New member
May 13, 2013
Hello again everybody, I'm trying to find out the name of a part on my Punto.

The part that I am on about is the plate that you bolt the wheel onto. Does anyone know the correct name for this part?

One of the holes on my front nearside plate is just that, a hole. The threads have either stripped themselves out or it's just worn away so I am running on a wheel with just three bolts holding it on, and I think a second bolt is about to go the same way so it needs to be replaced. The garage I use has told me that if I can get one from somewhere that is cheaper then a Fiat main dealer, they will sort the job out. The problem is I can't remember what they called the part I am looking for and I'm getting a bit embarrassed by asking parts dealers and breakers yard if they have any of those plate thingies that you bolt the wheel onto :eek:

Any and all help and suggestions will be appreciated. (y)
its still going to require some stripping im affraid

The Drive shafts are splined to the hubs, so its a case of having the knuckle with wheel bearing + hub removed, the hub hyraulic pressed out and then new 1 in

But tbh, you've come that far, i'd be tempted to say have a new wheel bearing too!

Remember The Hub nuts are single use - replace with new

its a hub :)

So that's it! A three letter word and I couldn't even remember it :bang: Thanks Dave (y)

And thanks to everyone else who has come back with their input. It's really appreciated. :worship: