Technical Light Power Steering

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Technical Light Power Steering


New member
Mar 23, 2014
Okay, so before I detail my problem with my Punto, I will go get this checked out, I just want to get some background info of this problem before I get it checked over by a garage.

When I start my car a warning light comes on 'Check Power Steering'.

My power steering, at times, feels very light, and occasionally feels very light when turning round corners, almost as if the wheels don't respond properly!

Has anybody else encountered this problem? I have a feeling it's related to the 'city' feature. There are times where I will turn this on, and my power steering will feel heavier than it should do (compared to when city mode is on) It doesn't feel extra heavy, it feels normal.

I am going to get my car serviced by a Fiat garage, but I was hoping to collate your thoughts on this, if anybody has any advice, that'll be much appreciated.

I dealt with a Grande Punto MultiJet 1.3 where the steering effort was irregular and sometimes the fault light would illuminate. When I connected using MultiECUScan, I found there was a torque reading (on the parameters tab in the software) even when I didn't apply force to the steering wheel.

After the vehicle had a wheel alignment performed, to ensure the steering wheel was straight when driving straight, I ran the position sensor recalibration and torque sensor recalibration procedures (adjustments tab in the software). The car drove fine after that, I haven't heard from the customer in the year since.

MultiECUScan and an ELM327 cable is well worth having -

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