£5 Secret Santa

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£5 Secret Santa

First secret Santa My manager got me. He got me a pimp my ride book as it had that pimped green Panda in.

Second year a colligue got me a jerry can full of petrol as I kept bitching about petrol prices, and last years was the most point less at some 'rear view mirror dice', a windscreen frost guard thingy and a tacky man thong :bang:

God only know what I might get this year (n)
We just done it in our house (I got a 19 yr old)

I got some fluffy bed socks (all laminate in this house, its cold), some chocolates and some post it notes/book sticker thingys as she was moaning her ones from pound land were poo

I'd recommend just getting a few little things.

Chocolates are easy to get :)