A dodgy lambda usually makes the car's idle lumpy and there is a hesitation throught 1200-1500 rpm as the lambo' switches through heated and unheated modes. You'll get poor economy and a lot of soot in the exhaust.
You also don't get the injector light flashing.
I think your problem is most likely to be a coil. You can test if a coil is working by plugging in the HT plug leads coming off it (one at a time) to a spare spark plug, laid on top of the rocker cover to earth it.
Don't touch the spark plug while the engine is running.. but start the car and see if there is a spark on the plug.
Switch off.. then repeat the same test with the other HT lead from that same coil.
If neither HT lead from the coil makes a spark at the plug, it's the coil.
If one HT lead sparks but the other doesn't, then it's the HT lead.
If the 2 leads from the coil both create a spark, repeat the test for the two leads on the other coil.
If they all work, then the problem is not the coils or the HT leads.. so we'll have to look elsewhere. While you have the HT leads off each plug have a peek in the plug wells and see if they have oil or water in them (#1 is favourite, since it's under the filler cap).
Remove the plugs one at a time and have a peep. They should all look clean and lightbrown or grey with a few crusty bits.. not oily or sooty at all..
My money is on one of the coils though. £25 or thereaboots for a pattern part, so not toooo severe. You have 2 coils (two HT leads for each one) but only one will have failed.
Ralf S.