jamie oliver chicken programe

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jamie oliver chicken programe

I respect your views but what are you trying to achieve?

I'm trying to get people to realise that just because it's an animal, that it doesn't matter how it is treated.

Yes, we have to eat and some of us choose to eat meat. Including me, even though I was a veggie for over 8 years and I have been campaigning for PETA since I was 11.

But couldn't we be a bit more humane about it?

If someone stamped on your head, you'd call the police and get them arrested and charged. But a chicken can't do that, so it's ok is it?

If someone wanted to cramp you and your family in one tiny room covered in your own filth, they couldn't, why? Because there are laws to stop people doing that. (Yet, it happens kind of, with people coming over to work etc.)

So why can't a chicken or whatever animal have the same laws as us, so at least they enjoy the short life they live?
Cows chickens pigs, they are all a lower form of life bred soley to be eaten, its the way its been for thousands of years......where do you draw the line? Are you saying I shouldnt mow my lawn in case I chop up some earthworms, or that I should boycott B&Q for selling slug pellets?
I am getting upset about nothing, just giving my views and fighting for my corner....like everyone else is. If you want me to drop it dont hold back, just tell me and I will.
Cows chickens pigs, they are all a lower form of life bred soley to be eaten, its the way its been for thousands of years......where do you draw the line? Are you saying I shouldnt mow my lawn in case I chop up some earthworms, or that I should boycott B&Q for selling slug pellets?

Get a cow to mow your lawn. :p

Only joking. :D

I realise it can go on and on, yes, in the end you do have to draw a line.

My line is pretty short. I only really believe that the killing of animals should be painless and when animals are alive, they should be treated with respect and that they shouldn't just be seen as meat. (No pun intended) The same way any human would.

Chopping up Earthworms would be an accident.

Slug pellets are humane, it's like putting a dog to sleep.
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Pam Anderson
P!nk :)yum: :eek: lol)
Good Charlotte
Paul McCartney
Black Eyed Peas
Martin Freeman
Phil Collins

and lots more.

Did i miss something? Is this the list for the next entrants on " Im a celebrity, get me out of here" ------- Otherwise known as "I USED to be a celebrity & ill do anything to get back in the limelight":devil:
I've kept chickens for a few years now and I can say for sure that free range eggs definitely taste better than battery.
I'm lucky that I have a big garden and the hens can peck grass all day and eat the occasional worm when they find it. The yolks have a much deeper yellow colour and a more distinctive flavour.
Don't be fooled by 'organic' eggs in the shops. They are probably from battery hens that are fed organic chicken feed. If you care about the treatment of chickens make sure it says free range.

Also I save alot of money keeping my own hens. A sack of feed costs £5 and lasts about a month for my 6 hens. During the summer I get 4 or 5 eggs a day and I have plenty of eggs to sell to neigbours ;).
Also I save alot of money keeping my own hens. A sack of feed costs £5 and lasts about a month for my 6 hens. During the summer I get 4 or 5 eggs a day and I have plenty of eggs to sell to neigbours ;).


RicheDoblo's Garage :D

What i cant understand is why people in the audience get so upset on these sort of programs where do they think the meat/eggs come :confused:

Most people seem to think meat comes wrapped in cling film in the supermarket.

I have worked in the food industry and what it all boils down to is the fact people want cheap food, Aided by the supermarkets price wars, like your 2 chickens for a fiver.

The only way for a farmer to make a minuscule profit is to pile em high sell them cheap as thats the price the supermarkets sets. If he argues they wont buy them from him and he looses the contract and probably has to pay them a penalty clause for not adhering to his contract which they have with him.

Leading to money troubles and been unable to pay his workers/ feed suppliers etc.

then you get on about the price of animal feed rocketing up as the likes of China are buying up all the grain they can get their hands on plus the shortage due to the heavy rain and floods last year.

the cost of haulage, electricity and gas to heat and light the sheds/barns.

need i continue

then again the meat in most supermarkets is very poor quality injected with water and Sodium meta-bi-sulphate and packaged in sealed nitrogen blister packs to keep it looking fresher for longer for example a real butchers shop is hard to find nowadays:mad:
Its not the fact we eat meat etc that annoys many its the treatment they get during their short lives.

I know people that work at slaughterhouses & even they are sickened by the treatment dished out to the animals by certain moronic employees.One guy was so appauled (he was previously a butcher by trade for 30years) he actually left even though he had no job to go to and mortgage/kids etc.
Its not the fact we eat meat etc that annoys many its the treatment they get during their short lives.

I know people that work at slaughterhouses & even they are sickened by the treatment dished out to the animals by certain moronic employees.One guy was so appauled (he was previously a butcher by trade for 30years) he actually left even though he had no job to go to and mortgage/kids etc.

Surely if he was that appauled he could have put his butchering skills to good use ;)
I eat meat and don't have a problem with it, what I have a problem with is that I don't want to be reponsible for unecessary suffering during their lives or be conned into thinking that I am buying produce which is ethical when clearly it isn't.

The reason these campaigns work is that people actually don't know why the produce is so cheap and this highlights it. Most people assume animals are well looked after until slaughtered and this is backed up by the way the food is marketed, "farm fresh chicken" etc. It makes you think of fields full of animals roaming about, not a big barn stuffed full of chickens.

As for the campaign not changing things, the majority of supermarkets will not sell any eggs from caged hens soon and this is before the law changes in 4 years. This is driven entirely by public pressure following a campaign a while ago. It hasn't affected people's ability to afford eggs either.

I think broiler chickens and battery chickens won't be available for that much longer. You don't have the right to have chickens at £2.50, if it cost £4 to do it properly then that's what it cost. If you can't afford it, you buy sausages instead.

As for the campaign not changing things, the majority of supermarkets will not sell any eggs from caged hens soon and this is before the law changes in 4 years.

Thats a lot of suffering.

Why on some meats (some cheap steak pies etc) does it say under ingredients 'mechanically seperated chicken') ....I dont like chicken:mad: and I guess mechanically seperated means the leftover bits:rolleyes:
Yup, the stuff that's been literally scraped from the bones, not usually top-quality :(

As students we used to eat the cheap pie's and they were nicknamed "lips & arseh*le" pie's as they were the bottom of the food cycle. It was premium food, value food, dog food, glue and then the "cheap pie's" we ate. :)
Yup, the stuff that's been literally scraped from the bones, not usually top-quality :(

Nope, not even scraped from the bone

Please watch the following link (its a bit long at just over 9 mins) but if you watch from 3.40 you will see what is in your budget pies, hotdogs etc

I didnt see all of it but i saw enough to turn it over. i think its horrible how they treat the poor chickens they deserve some sort of a life and not being huddled together and not being able to move. its stupid :mad: