Technical Indicator Woes

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Technical Indicator Woes

Uno Momento

New member
Apr 13, 2008
Hi all

Please help me

My indicators still aren't working, although the hazards are working!

I have replaced the switch to no avail. I have 3 switches including the original one now as i thought the one i got from the breaker maybe knackered too. I suspect that they are all working and it is some other problem.

I have replaced the relay (thanks Jangcy)

I have cleaned up all the earths

checked the fuses

taken the fusebox out to check for loose wires

Still no poxy left or right turn signals! I'm starting to lose my patience with it!

I've had the multimeter out on the switches and its getting power to the base plate.

Anyone got any suggestions other than using my arms???!!
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Have you check the back of the fuse board that all the wires are going to the relay? Just that I had once fall out the back of the fuse box for the rear screen heater relay before now. Took me 18 months to discover :eek:

Also, checked the Hazzard Switch? Just they all operate through that iirc from fitting alarms.

Should be two plugs going into the back of it that might need pushing back in tightly (y)
All the wires seem to be i place on the fusebox, there was one lose one but that hasn't cured it.

I have a spare hazard switch so i'll try that next. Thanks MEP
He's right...check it ... there won't be indicators without it...but also won't be hazards:(

Oh, and just to help strengthen the case, I've tempermental indicators in the Sisley. Sometimes they won't work, but a slight tap on the hazzard switch, and they begin to function. Don't know why I didn't suggest it in the beginning :bang:
Thanks MEP. One lose plug on the back of the hazard switch re attached and i'm panda'ing again!
UM, if you've one or two spare hazard switches, would you mind sending me one? I've got indicator problems too and I think it's the switch. PM me with a price if you don't mind.

Hi Rick, I do have a spare one. Can you send me a PM please. I'm phone posting, and the bloody thing will let me reply to PM's, but not send them. lol.
