Technical indicator stalk

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Technical indicator stalk


May 31, 2007
Hello guys.

Over the last few weeks, the indicator stalk of my 06 MJet Sporting has developed a mind of its own!

When I slot the stalk in position, the arrow on the dashboard is not flashing, neither the bulb is. This happens with both left and right indicators.

If I try the indicator a few moments later, it works normal!:bang:

Any suggestions as to what the fault is? Has anyone noticed any malfunctioning indicator stalk ever? I tried the search feature of the forum and found no threads relating to this fault.
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Yup, I have an 07 GPS an had the stalk replaced under warranty cos you could either have headlights OR indicators but not both! Could be a similar problem just seemed like a bad connection! Hope you still in warranty though cos replaced both indicator stalk and wiper stalk on mine so I assume they come as one, which might be expensive!
I had a similar issue with mine when it had done about 200 miles!! it has never re occured since and all the AA man did was push it in from the end and jiggled it, its never happened again, may be worth a try to save hassle.