Technical Indicator and Hazards not working

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Technical Indicator and Hazards not working


New member
Mar 22, 2013
Hi Guys,
:bang::bang: i'm having a problem with my Indicators and hazards
It works and then it will just stop working.
I'm not sure if its the flasher unit or the Relay, how do i go about finding the problem and fixing it?

Please help
Oh Damn, sorry guys, it's a 2007 Fiat Palio 1.2ed
i'm from South Africa

thanks for the reply, i'm gonna have to find where the flasher unit is.
i've been trying to search on the net, and some say its a relay others say the flasher unit. going to loosen the cover under the steering and see what i can find
Thanks for all the help guys, i found the unit, its directly under the steering in the centre.(y)
The problem now is that if i fiddle with it it works, but then it'll just stop working and i have to fiddle with it for it to work again.
Do you advise me getting a new flasher unit or is there something i can do, i don't want to buy a new one and find out that its actually not the unit but the connection its making:confused:
As I said I did a VW one at the weekend,
gave it a good aggitation and spray with an electrical contact cleaner,
seemed to work more reliably after that.. only time will tell..,

I'm pretty sure your "flasher-relay" will be a common part found on MANY vehicles,
could you not try and swap one for 5 minutes,
or get a used one from a breaker..,
Thanks varesecrazy, thing is there ain't many around and i don't know anyone who could let me try theirs.
How did you clean yours, i tried cleaning the contacts, but maybe i didn't do a proper job.
i'm thinking maybe i should lightly sandpaper the contatcs although it doesn't seem that tarnished.

Thanks for all the help:worship: