immobiliser code

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immobiliser code


New member
Dec 15, 2009
can anyone tell me why my immobiliser won't recognise my key. I changed the battery and it has ceased to recognise the code. The fiat people want £15 to send the new code down, and i'm not even allowed to have it. it stays with fiat. surely this is wrong. if it happens again i'm in the same boat. has anyone else had this problem?
can anyone tell me why my immobiliser won't recognise my key. I changed the battery and it has ceased to recognise the code. The fiat people want £15 to send the new code down, and i'm not even allowed to have it. it stays with fiat. surely this is wrong. if it happens again i'm in the same boat. has anyone else had this problem?

welcome to ff. :)
try threading your question on the stilo/punto/bravo forum or whatever model it is. im sure somebody will help :p.