Technical ideas on using a punto gt ecu to power a 1.2/1.4 turbo fire

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Technical ideas on using a punto gt ecu to power a 1.2/1.4 turbo fire

Oct 27, 2007
whats the chances of running a punto gt ecu on a 1.2 or 1.4 fire engine?

the only sensor i can see a problem with is it will look for a phaze sensor.
will it run without one

any others ive overlooked that i cannot modify fit and run with a fire engine?

the reason im asking is i can see a hell of a lot of problems everyone is having getting a turbo engine tuned right and the money involved in it,

maybe its a brain fart but i wonderded.

genuine proffesional thoughts please
in honesty this thought ran throught my head for the supercharger mod i am building all be it it will now prob be on a p60 motor rather than the 1108 but i would be interested to find out if this would work
the engines are totally different.

even if all the sensor plugged in, the injectors, fuel pressure, compression ratios, dwell times on the coil packs, hell even the trigger wheel / tdc points might well be wrong too.
doesn't the GT use a MAF sensor too (fire uses MAP)?

that's before you look at the vastly different car looms.

you'll spend more time faffing than if you'd just used a megasquirt/emerald/dta
i have read megasquirt and im pretty confident in tackling everything but that scares me.

i have read the threads about the ms but none i found start right from the start
i was hoping for the turbo side of things it has it all built in.

as mine had a seb chip in im sure it could be modded to run using fire values.

maf wouldnt be a problem but its the coil and phaze sensor that concerned me.

as i said just a brain fart
i can probably handle the ecu build and the wirings no probs but the programming is scaring me.

i may start a thread from start to finish on m/s some time later this year