Technical ICE problems

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Technical ICE problems

Well at the mo i know somethings up with the head unit because swapping head units eliminates the problem, And so far i aint had a chance to try the reset function on the pioneer head unit yet. Gona have to leave it untill tommorrow now. But i'll let ya know how i get on!

F R O $ T Y
Ok something really strange is going on lol I disconnected the red power wire from my battery and noticed that my amp was STILL coming on!! Its getting power somehow through the remote wire. very confused now, what could have caused this to happen? Normally it would never get power if the red wire was disconnected at the battery.

F R O $ T Y
Did you remove the whole connector from the battery, or just the wire to the amp?

:confused: It may take a few mins for the LED to go out as there may be a capacitive element for say smooth power down.

Which brand amp is it? – have you looked inside it yet?
its an alpine v12 amp, i disconnected the power "red" wire from the battery which goes to the amp. Switched the head unit off, switched it back on and noticed the amp still gets power, green light comes on. Did this a few times. It only switches off if the blue remote wire is disconnected from the amp. That means the Head unit is messed up for sure as i have tested the amp with a different head unit and on my friends car and both worked fine. Somethings wrong with my pioneer head unit but i cant figure out what.

F R O $ T Y
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I'm not familiar with Alpine Amps - perhaps the LED comes on with only 12V from remote anyways - I'd test the feed from the battery as it sounds like removing the wire did nothing.

I would also test the resistance between the amp's live feed and remote connectors.

Dose the Amp smell burned out? - Don't sniff too hard as it might smell nasty :rolleyes:

Perhaps remove the blue wire from the amp and the audio inputs, turn the amp gain right down.

Then replace the red one to the battery, and use a short wire to nick 12V from the red wire (always live), and hook onto where the blue wire goes (switched live). The amp doesn’t care where 12V comes from to switch it on, but cairfull you don’t earth it – new fuse time…

Which model Alpine – I could search for a PDF of the owner manual…

My Friend did the graph - You must have missed this thread ;)