Styling Hub Caps for 1967 Fiat 500F

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Styling Hub Caps for 1967 Fiat 500F


New member
Mar 12, 2018
Hi All,

New here so I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong spot.

I recently imported a 1967 500F (Canada) and am working on restoring it back to it's former glory.

I've found almost everything I need, but am having a hard time tracking down hub caps for the wheels that are on it.

It's got standard 12" wheels, but they do not have the center thread/bolt that you typically see on these. Instead they have four holes in an X pattern (not sure if these would be original wheels or not).

I tried uploading an image, but I'm a noob here so it won't let me.

Thanks for all your help!
You could look on the spare parts suppliers web sites to see if you can see a match for your wheels. Could be that you have 126 running gear fitted. Check the distance across wheel bolt centres. 500 original would be 190mms and 126 is 98mms.
Thanks Toshi,

I was checking out mrfiat and I'm not sure they have anything that matches. Do you have another supplier that you would recommend?
Actually I think you're right,

It looks like the wheels match the stock wheels off of an early 70's 126.

Going to see if i can track down hubs for them somewhere.
If they are what you say then the same pattern rims were also fitted to the 500R and have The 190mms pcd. Those hubs are still available.
Do you know off hand of anyone who has them?

I've been checking all the usual sites and can't seem to find any.