Styling How to solder my LEDs on the dash??punto mk2

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Styling How to solder my LEDs on the dash??punto mk2


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Sarajevo, BiH
Hi, I have purschased some plcc2 smd white leds, because I want to change the colour of the dash light on my punto mk2. My main question is, when soldering does it matter how are the leds positioned because of the polarity?
And if someone can put a link of a gud SMD soldering tutorial. Thx
Hi, I have purschased some plcc2 smd white leds, because I want to change the colour of the dash light on my punto mk2. My main question is, when soldering does it matter how are the leds positioned because of the polarity?
And if someone can put a link of a gud SMD soldering tutorial. Thx

be carefull soldering things mate, because if a bit drips onto anything else it can mess the whole board up
I have bought the replacement LEDs, I said that I bought PLCC-2 SMD white leds. Ok thanks but how will I know what is the correct way. There is no simbols on the bulb and both sides look exactly the same (left, right)
On LEDs the long leg is +ve. I was on about LED bulbs not just bare LEDs. LEDs also need a current limiting resistor. I have no idea how you calculate, but without it they wont last long.
Davren thx very much it is just the thing I was looking for:D..and if I understand these plcc 2 leds dont need resistors because I dont see any on the original ones?