Technical How to open side wing mirror of Linea TJet?

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Technical How to open side wing mirror of Linea TJet?

Navin Talati

Oct 23, 2006
Rear view mirrors on both the sides of car (Fiat Linea T-Jet) are known as Wing Mirrors. They bears side indicator lights (probably LEDs). These lights are not working while taking Left or Right turns.
I wants to replace the non working light strips/units from these Wing Mirrors.
Can any one show me the method that how these Mirrors should be opened and the lights can be replaced?
A prompt and positive response from honourable forum members is expected.
Navin Talati / 25-08-2023
In the Bravo you lever the mirror out, this clips into three push fit sockets. Once the glass is removed its clear how it works just a few screws to remove. Panda much the same. I did replace a turn signal in mothers Perodua which was the same basic method, but it was not supposed to be changed separately and had to be cut out and glued back. I have used 'Speedy Fix' plastic glue (2 part) to great effect on several car components that require a strong permanenet fix.. Removing the mirror is always risky but if you use a wide lever and are positive you can get the glasses out most times. Hopefully someone will confirm my suggestions or come up with something better soon. Good luck
In the Bravo you lever the mirror out, this clips into three push fit sockets. Once the glass is removed its clear how it works just a few screws to remove. Panda much the same. I did replace a turn signal in mothers Perodua which was the same basic method, but it was not supposed to be changed separately and had to be cut out and glued back. I have used 'Speedy Fix' plastic glue (2 part) to great effect on several car components that require a strong permanenet fix.. Removing the mirror is always risky but if you use a wide lever and are positive you can get the glasses out most times. Hopefully someone will confirm my suggestions or come up with something better soon. Good luck
Can you please send some of the pictures?
I started this thread with a request/help for as Rear view mirrors on both the sides of car (Fiat Linea T-Jet) are known as Wing Mirrors. They bears side indicator lights (probably LEDs). These lights are not working while taking Left or Right turns.
Still I am not getting any clue/help for opening these wing Mirrors. I afraid, if it breaks!
However, if some one can send me the Circuit Diagram of signalling lights, it may be helpful me me to check whether there is any problem with the circuitry connection from signalling-stake under steering.
Please do needful, possibly with relevant pictures and curcit.